My Yuletide gifts - links

Dec 27, 2009 12:08

OK, now that Yuletide Madness is open, too, I'm linking to all the gift fics I received. Many thanks to all writers! I've commented to all the fics individually.

So, asking for Alfred fic, I was spoiled by three. Judging from posting times, my main fic ie. the pinch hit. A lovely pre-canon story of how Alfred came to work for the Professor and how he feels on the trip to Transsylvania. A lovely Alfred/Herbert fic, I assume written as a Treat.

And a Yuletide madness fic: A cute little story of how Alfred came to work for Professor Abronsius - and I love the ending. *g*

I also received a treat for my request for Szentivánéji álom fic, Oberon/Titania post-canon dealing with the consequences of the ending of the musical - love how the obvious problems created by that solution are treated and resolved.

I'm also having fun reading other stories in my fandoms. It tells something about the smallness of the fandoms I like to read that there have been hardly any recs about them at all. I don't know if I will make any, either, at least not before the author reveal (worried about compromising anonymity by what I don't rec). I'm slowly putting together bookmarks of stories I've enjoyed as I read them, though, and you can see them here. But it didn't occur to me to use that function or the recommendation function at first, so some of the first things I read aren't there yet, and there's much I've yet to read.


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