It's Yuletide!!!

Dec 25, 2009 09:57

OK, so everyone in Yuletide probably knows the archive isn't loading properly right now, but here are my first thank-you notes anyway in the case someone is looking here to see what I think because posting comments is well nigh impossible!

So, thankyouthankyouthankyou Yuletide authors!! So far I've gotten a notice for two fics, but I know from the number on my dashboard last night I'm being spoiled by even more, so once I can get on the archive to look I'll post about them all. Only one of the two has loaded so far - a Tanz fic, a pre-canon Alfred character study, which is completely adorable and lovely and Alfred. Thank you so much!!! Judging from the post time I'm thinking this was the pinch hit assigned after my original author defaulted, and the other fics are treats - in any case heaps of appreciation to both the pinch-hitter and

And the other fic is also an Alfred fic, which makes me very happy though I can't get to read it yet. I'm very curious to see what else I'm getting spoiled rotten by and I will read and comment as soon as possible! Heaps of appreciation both to the pinch-hitter and to other writers who'd write up fics for my beloved requests on such a short notice!

Now back to trying to get the archive to work and rereading the one story that did open...

ETA: Found out Yuletide Madness archive isn't yet open due to server load, so that's probably why I don't yet know what the rest of my gifts are. Anyway, thanks for them, too! I guess I have the whole Christmas Day to hit refresh occasionally and try to get to my fic... Eventually the Americans will go to sleep and the load will be less, there are advantages to being European...

ETA2: The other one opened, too! It pays being patient... A lovely Alfred/Herbert fic, thank you so much! Alfred is so delicious when he's confused and being corrupted. *grins* I'll post link to all my stories once the Yuletide Madness archive is also open, so that they can be found in one post.


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