Last night was fun! I've never much cared for the holiday since I got too old to trick-or-treat, because no kids come to our house so the replacement pleasure of becoming candy-giver wasn't an option for me. And also, it's a holiday like New Years where plans seem to fall through more often than they work out. But last night I got to give out some candy!
At work, we let the kids take one of anything from the candy counter, which makes me wonder why every kid in the tri-town area doesn't pay our Pharmacy a visit. Two kids did come in, the little boy wearing an elaborate Darth Vader rig-out and the older girl in black clothes with a furry sort of headband or something. I asked her what she was (I feel like kids with lackluster costumes deserve the indignity of having to explain) and she said "A black cat." Psh. Then the boy pipes up "I'm Darth Vader!" Yeah, the mask was kind of a give-away, but thanks!
After work I went over to
saralinda's house and forced the baby into her
lady bug costume and helped Mr. Saralinda and gave out Reese's Cups and Kit Kats (good choices!). Not a lot of kids, but a few cute costumes. And one little girl wearing a totally unnecessary fleece (it was warm out!) over her "Tap Dancer" costume (pink silk pants?), making it look like she was just trying to score candy without having even dressed up. Back in my day, we stoned kids like that!
So, is it maternal instincts that make me feel like kids in costumes are the cutest things in the world? If so, maternal instincts aren't very good at their job. I still don't want a kid particularly; I just want to see kids dressed as adorable things, and give them candy. Which wouldn't be very good parenting.
* * *
Then I went home and watched Veronica Mars 3x5: "President Evil". Something is wrong with Weevil! He's not just puffy and unhealthy looking, now he's got what looks like huge welts all over his face. Could my concern over this situation be why I dreamed last night that I went with him to an arraignment, at which it was mentioned that he and I had been child stars in
The Goonies together?
I was really angry with Veronica for accusing Weevil of the theft, though when she revealed the detail about the drywall dust and the smell of whatever-it-was I felt somewhat better. Still, his crack about "why is it you don't have more friends?" was SO deserved. On the other hand, his: "You're dating Logan? After what he did to Lilly?"!?! That was absurd. What did Logan do to Lilly, exactly, except love her and adore her and one time when he was drunk and Lilly had been mean to him kiss some other girl? While Lilly was carrying on a long-term liaison with Weevil, SLEEPING WITH LOGAN'S FATHER, and generally being a heartless slutty bitch? Yes, the bad treatment was clearly on Logan's side.
Thought the mystery-of-the-week was pretty good, though the one plot hole was that the security guards didn't just take the masks and guns from the film geeks, they used some lines from and generally imitated the student film, which I seriously doubt they'd seen - so that was lame. Anyone who's watched from the start: was 'Lilly's necklace' something we've seen before? Curious. Anyway... Wallace, I was sad about. Well, happy to know that he actually has a career goal. "I want to be a _____" is a sentence I've been hoping to hear these kids say for a while now, though "mechanical engineer" was not a fill-in-the-blank I would have guessed. But sad that he turns out not to be any good at it. And I would have liked to have seen the professor recognize his struggle and give him a chance to redeem the cheating thing. Also, I find it sad that that Wallace can't hang out with his friends on Halloween night without paying the scholastic price for it, but Veronica can gad about and do no work ever and still cruise through her courses. But I'm not sure I'd call that a plot hole; some people really can do that. Life's unfair that way.
In closing, I would so love to see an episode in which Wallace, Piz, Parker, Mac, Logan, and Weevil all appear. It is seriously pathetic that the budget doesn't allow them to use all their characters together. Even if this season hasn't hearkened back to the glory of S1, it's still one of the three best shows on TV, and that they should be this strapped for cash is just criminal!