Gilmorian Guard

Dec 28, 2008 14:21

My mom and I've been watching Gilmore Girls together. We started at the beginning, never having seen a single ep, and have got to the 5th disc of Season 2.

Thus far I love it, but there's a nitpicky thing I have to share. It's driving me nuts. If you've seen the show, you know Rory is a Reader. A Smartypants. A Bookworm. But the thing is, I'm pretty sure she's actually a non-reader's idea of a bookish person, because she has no taste whatsoever. Argh!

I don't mean she has bad taste. I mean she is completely undiscriminating. If it is a book by a famous author, she loves it. Flaubert? Her favorite! Woolf? Bring it on! Proust? Quotes him! Allen Ginsberg? Adores! Poetry, fiction, essays, stories, biographies-what 16-year-old reads biographies?-she reads them all. In a scene we recently saw, Rory's checking out at a book fair and the cashier says "did you see the Astronomy section?" and Rory, who missed it, rushes over in great eagerness. The Astronomy section? I was a bookish 16-year-old and so were most of my best friends, and I couldn't have cared less* about the Astronomy section! Or about Proust! Still don't! Most of you were bookish 16-year-olds too, weren't you? Is there a one of you out there who read everything-except, God forbid, genre fiction-and liked it all exactly the same?

I've also got a few questions about the show and I want to avoid spoilers (please PLEASE) so I devised a little poll. If you've seen all or much of the show, I'd love for you to take it!


And please, for the love of fluffy animals, if you know even the smallest thing that happens after the point I'm at (2x18), could you please not mention it in the comments?

*ETA: This is not quite true, now I think about it. Taking college Astronomy is what put me off the subject... back when I thought it was all gazing at pretty constellations, it seemed cool. (But I don't think I'd have bought a book about it.)

tv, gilmore girls

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