Recommendation Sunday

Dec 21, 2008 17:46

Hey, remember this? My every-other-week plan turned into a total hiatus, but I am back and hope to stay back... at least for the vacation!

BOOK: To catch up on my pleasure reading, I recently sat down with Eva Ibbotson's The Morning Gift. I really liked it! Vienna, World War II, a marriage of convenience, secrets, eccentricity, simmering passion-Good Stuff! (The misunderstanding at the end takes on rather absurd proportions, but the rest of the book is enjoyable enough to make up for that.) I might even put it on par with A Countess Below Stairs. Enjoy!

MOVIE: My family and I watched Elf last night-the first time I'd seen it since it was new. I'd forgotten how fun this movie is! If you can get past the disgusting things Will Ferrell spends the movie eating, it's an excellent bit of Christmas cheer.

SONG: The gifted saralinda performed Breath of Heaven at my home church and it was remarkable and moving. I'm actually not crazy about Amy Grant's voice in her recording, so I linked to a decent cover (though I recommend minimizing while you listen: shaky cam!). Gorgeous song.


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