Er... the most appropriate theme would be teachers, eh?
BOOK: All I can come up with this minute that's teacher-related is
A Wind in the Door. I prefer A Wrinkle in Time and A Swiftly Tilting Planet, but this one definitely made an impression on me, what with the kything and the mitochondria and the fewmets. Fewmets are apparently dragon droppings.
MOVIE: The Inspiration Teacher Movie is a bloated and often lackluster genre, but you can't talk smack about Mr. Miyagi: nothing beats
The Karate Kid. Well... maybe The Karate Kid II.
SONG: Hahahaha. I can only think of
one song* about a teacher! Hah. Oh dear.
*If you watch that video (which... *boggle*) make sure you hang on to a bit after the 3-minute mark.