The Drama Continues

May 16, 2008 22:01

Yikes, I'm posting a lot this week!

Was planning to go to a concert this evening but had to cancel at the last minute. So I got to watch the finale of Moonlight live, yay.

Briefly: I was so afraid the last episode was going to end with Mick and Beth broken up! I really would have been heartbroken. But the end was good... in fact, oddly wrapped up for what they thought would just be a season, not series, finale. Makes me wonder if they had two endings in the can. The episode was a little dark for my tastes, though the Vampire Italian Job was pretty awesome. Claudia Black's cameo was a disappointment, though. This is a woman who kicks ass like none other, and all they had her do was say stern things and at one point lay down in the road? What a waste! Oh, can't believe I forgot to add:


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I am tired of megalomaniacal Roslin. As for political Lee, I don't mind what he says but his manner is very fake. Befitting a politician, but not befitting Lee.

Tigh with the intuition! That was sweet!

And Gaeta loses a leg, because no one on the Demetrius could be bothered to 1) run him home and then come back to the rendezvous point, or 2) wash or perform basic first aid on his wound. How affecting.

Why isn't Laura wearing the pretty scarf the Bajoran gave her last week, instead of that ugly green chunk of fabric?

Did Laura just ask Lee to imagine what it felt like to hold all those lives in his hands? That's just plain insulting. Because he's wearing a pinstripe suit, has she forgotten that he was a battlestar commander? All politicians should have his experience with the real human consequences of the choices they debate and take votes on.

When Kara and Lee are in the same room, I want to see some kind of look pass between them. In fact, I require it. Writers, you have let me down yet again.

I liked Natalie. That was so pointless. SUCKAGE.

This show is giving me an ulcer.

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"Donna Noble. And I'll have a salute." I really, really like her.

I adore this show, but I wish half the episodes didn't have the same plot. Oh no, the seemingly harmless ____ is actually a plot by the Alien Of The Week to take over the Earth! The writers have all space and time to work with and they come back to that every three episodes?

It's too bad the teen genius is evil, because he's exactly the physical type I would have gone gooey over when I was a teen myself. Then again, maybe it's good he's not likable - I do prefer to avoid pervy thoughts as much as possible.

Aaaaand we have to wait until next week to see how the human race is saved. Again.

bsg, moonlight

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