May 18, 2007 09:36
So I had jury duty for the first time yesterday. And by "I had jury duty," I of course mean that I woke up at 6:30, drove to the Thomas Sullivan courthouse by 8am, sat there for five and a half hours, and left. If not for Mahjong on my iPod I may have died from boredom.
The only thing of note was that we had to watch a video when we got there explaining what exactly jury duty meant. The narrator for the first half of the video was the same woman who did our commencement speech. For those of you who weren't at the class of '05 graduation, she had an Elmer Fuddesque speech impediment that made her pronounce terrorism as tewwowism. I don't usually take amusement in speech impediments, but when she refers to the jurors as jawas the Star Wars nerd in me has to laugh a little.
In other news, Nat, Vickie, Kevin, Josh, and I found an apartment in Davis square for next year. It's all kinds of awesome. Of course this leaves me with the task of convincing the others that we should decide who gets the biggest room by way of arm wrestling. Or jello wrestling. Right by might FTW.