I looked over what time off I'll likely have available this year and how I can distribute it. It appears that things will likely work out rather well. The limiting factor is probably financial rather than temporal.
What I'm looking at doing this year:
PengiuconRCFMSiouxland Renaissance FestivalJubilee Olde English Faire
YellowstoneMNRFNodaway Renaissance Faire (?)
MFF Penguicon (April)- As long as I don't have the expense of air travel, I can go see what all this is like firsthand. Maybe I'll finally experience a good and friendly science fiction convention.
RCFM (May) - Like I'd miss it. The only question is whether
jmaynard will accompany me, or if he'll go to
CostumeCon in Des Moines instead. If we both go to RCFM, that settles how the hotel room will be dealt with. If I go alone, I'll be looking for roommates to split costs as I certainly don't need a whole suite to myself. But until the decision of RCFM or CostumeCon is made, I can't rightly make any offers to folks.
Siouxland (June) - Again, as if I'd miss it. It's just a matter of details, like booking a hotel room and deciding what, if anything, to do after hours. It'll be good to see how things are done with the new mud-resistant site.
Jubilee (June) - It's in Illinois, but it's very close to the small Iowa faires I liked. It'll also likely be the only time (and maybe last time) Jay and I will get to see RST as we have come to know it.
Yellowstone (June/July) - This one will take a week or so and we still will only see parts of the place. My main concern is finding lodgings that aren't overly expensive.
MNRF (August) - Probably just one day, just to check things out.
Nodaway (September) - I haven't made definite plans for this, but it's not as if it needs to be decided right away. I've heard good things about this faire, that it's a classic Iowa small renfaire. It might also be the only place I'd see some folks, such as Danza Mystique, this year.
MFF (November) - I think it'll be better this year. The registration thing has already been taken care of and I have physical evidence of it. I know a few more people who'll be there, and it's where I'll likely see some RCFM folks again.