Sleeping next to my honey rocks. Snuggles on demand? Totally beats DVR service.
Yesterday was full of productive shopping. Managed to hit some good sales, and spent about $160 on 'officey' clothes...4 strictly work shirts, one work/going out shirt, one long-sleeve jammie shirt, a pair of dark grey slacks which to AMAZING things for my ass, a pair of Sketchers (on SUPER sale) 'dress sneakers'...uber squishy and supportive...3 pairs of trouser socks, 2 pairs of nylons (good ones that shouldn't run), and assorted socks and underwear. Plus I managed to find some South Beach and Atkins bars that AREN'T covered in chocolate, so I have mid-afternoon snacks for work now. Woot!
Isaac also managed to find some work clothes, and some new jammie pants. And I showed him the invitations I found; we've pretty much settled on the Two Peas in a Pod design by Birchcraft. It's very US. Now we just have to screw with the wording
So, my parents are footing most of the bill, which is incredibly generous of them. However, Isaac and I are NOT having a ceremony, and we aren't using 'formal' invitations. Now, traditionally, for such a wedding, the invite would begin:
"Mr and Mrs B. Request the pleasure of your company as the wedding of thier daughter S to Mr. Isaac B, at Time on Date in Location. Reception to follow at Location, note about Proper Dress."
Like I said, it's only a reception...and if my parents are listed, Isaac is worried that if we don't list his mom too, she'll feel slighted. Currently, the invite reads thusly:
"S and I hope you will join us for our belated reception at Time on Date in Location"
And that's it. Maybe a little poetic blurb in quotes will be at the top, maybe a note about dress will be at the bottom.
However...How do you note dress that is not casual, not Black Tie, not Semi-formal? Once upon a time, a Sunday afternoon wedding reception in Autumn would automatically indicate what people should wear. But there aren't rules any more. I've been at summer garden weddings that were black tie, and a winter ALoha reception, and even an early spring afternoon "please wear all black" reception. That's cool. I'm kind of hoping for "Dinner-out-with-the-boss-and-hoping-for-a-promotion" kind of thing... not office wear, not cocktail dresses, not tuxedos, not jeans..."Nice". How the hell do you define that?
Directions/addresses will be on the directions card.
RSVP date (and other usual info) will be on the response card.
But what else do we put on the invite? And how do we word it?
I should really do laundry today. I should really get dressed and go home to do that. But right now, the bed here at Isaac's is still warm and snuggly and my fleecy jammie pants are holding me hostage.
Quote of the day:
"It's not weather you win or lose, it's weather you make money at it." -Jenny at NTI