20 things! ::

Sep 23, 2005 22:25

So I take up the '20 things about you' thing too!
Some facts here are things I've never told anybody and some are my (mis)adventures!

  1. Put my hand inside a burning 'chulha' (stove) when I couldn't even walk. Burnt 3 fingers which till today are disfigured

  2. I drank up kerosene when I was 4-5 years old because it was inside a bottle of cough syrup that tasted very sweet

  3. When I was about 5-6 years old, fell in front of a speeding motorcycle. Escaped unhurt.A shopkeeper nearby gave me a handful of toffees. Was busy all afternoon eating them inside the class when the teacher was busy teaching.

  4. Multiplication tables scared the shit out of me when I was young.I tried my best to escape every saturday when we were asked to say the tables aloud.

  5. Tried making an electromagnet when I was 7 years old ,Screwed the electricity at my house. Somehow I got the impression that if I insert a nail into the socket, I'd get a permanent magnet. Shorted the circuit but escaped unharmed because i was standing on a cot.

  6. Joined a computer course when I was 10 years old. Had an awesome time playing pacman and Space invaders.

  7. Was awestruck by the magic shows and promptly wanted to be a magician. Bought a DIY book and did some experimenting.

  8. I've always been very shy and introvert. Most people mistake that for arrogance,attitude and what not!

  9. Flunked a test for the first time in my life when I was 12 years old. Hid the book under the bed. Was caught after a few days when a classmate visited and was terribly ashamed. That day onwards I've made it a point to avoid lies.

  10. Never did my homeworks! Mom would write and I would hold her hand looking somewhere else. Many times chaitrasuresh would be summoned into my class for complaining (Its really difficult having a very intelligent sister in the same school :(( )

  11. I'm a maniac when it comes to motorcycles! Fasted for a few days because I wanted Yamaha Enticer and dad wouldn't listen

  12. I've always believed in looking good. I do not make a conscious effort to dress up but most of the time it turns out good.Also I am not biased about any particular type of clothes, I like to try everything.

  13. Girls never featured in my list of top priority things. Even when most of my classmates were drooling over one girl or the other, I had totally different interests. Most of my class girls thought I was a Psycho of some sort!

  14. Music is the thing that fuels my life.

  15. We used to have quizzes on the english when I was in the 8th .I'd Ransack the dictionary to find 'High-sounding' words to make sure that nobody understood my questions :)

  16. When I was in the 11th, I was ragged like hell in a Women's college when I went there for a debate competition.

  17. I've always liked solitude. I feel a lot peaceful alone with my motorcycle. Riding the motorcycle gives me immense pleasure. I crave to own a super-bike or a cruiser

  18. Show-offs are a mojor turn-offs. I hate people who flaunt things just for the heck of it. I also hate people who add the word original infront of every brand name that they utter.

  19. I was never very good at any sports, although I can play many sports well.

  20. Was majorly immpressed by Hrithik Roshan when I was in the 10th. Tried imitating him too! Many people still say I sometimes look like him.
  21. .

Two more!
21. I've never had a chance to sit in the front benches all my school days. I've always been way taller and bigger than my peers
22. For some strange reason, I've been the monitor of the class for atleast a few months each year during my schools days


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