Vain's Fanfiction Index - A Listing of All My Published Fics

Jan 01, 2005 09:00

This is a total index of ALL of my fanfiction on the 'Net. As new stories are written, they will be published here. Some stories are posted in an edited form at certain sites, however, all of the fics posted here are listed here link to their un-edited, un-cut form.

If you can think of a missing fic, let me know. =3


~ Digimon 02 ~
Bad Thoughts - My first KENSUKE/DAIKEN. Ken has a conversation with a bird, plays soccer in the rain, and realizes that just maybe there's hope for him yet.
Warnings: yaoi
Rating: PG-13
Status: complete

Chasing God - Winner of Nemesi's DaiKen contest; Daisuke breaks the Kaiser. . . . Sorta.
Warnings: yaoi, violence, lemon, angst, some disturbing imagery.
Rating: NC-17
Status: complete

Judgment of a Stone - This is the story of how Oikawa Yukio and Ichijouji Ken turned into the people they became and how chance encounters can forever alter the course of Destiny.
Warnings: Angst, Non-Con, Pre-Series, Rape, Violence, Chan
Rating: NC-17
Status: complete

A Lifetime of Sunsets - Ken considers his current state of affairs and receives some helpful advice from Minomon.
Warning: mention of cutting
Rating: PG
Status: complete

Lunch with Ichijouji Ken - Inspired by and dedicated to the Guardian. For the curious, a nice, accurate look inside my head and at how I see Ken and why I write him the way I do. NOT self-insertion.
Rating: R
Status: complete

Metanoia - *For Nemesi's fic contest--will be KAISUKE.* Some of the lesser-known inhabitants of the Digi World decide that they're getting tired of humans . . . particularly the one called "Kaiser."
Rating: PG-13
Status: discontinued

These Fine Things of Heaven and Earth - It was a good plan, a simple plan . . . He only wanted to teach a Ken lesson . . . And then everything went wrong. Yoai, TAIKEN, and a long overdue talk coming your way.
Warnings: violence, angst, yaoi, and mature themes including self-mutilation, psychological and emotional abuse, general angst.
Rating: NC-17
Status: hiatus

The Katarikuchi Collection
Quondam Fool - An odd (rather short) tale of love and hunger in which Ichijouji Ken spends a night at the house of Motomiya Daisuke and takes a moment to evaluate his life and relationships and listen to the wolves at the door.
Warnings: angst, disturbing imagery, slash.
Rating: R
Status: complete

Xenophobia: Daisuke no Insaidosutoorii - The companion piece to "Quondam Fool." ~ Katarikuchi Collection Exhibit 1: Angsty Daisuke. Heroic(?) Ken. And so it all falls apart.
Rating: PG-13
Status: complete

Nihilist Savior: Takeru no Keikendan - Daiken and one-sided Takeken. ~ Katarikuchi Collection Exhibit 2: Embittered Takeru. Wise Daisuke. Broken Ken. And so it all falls apart.
Rating: PG-13
Status: complete

The Revelations Arc
For They Shall Be Filled - Revelations Arch: Book 1. Following the episode "If I Only Had a Tailhammer"--When an old enemy returns to haunt the Digital World, Gennai calls on Ken and the others to correct the mistakes of the past--but first they have to save themselves . . .
Warnings: some disturbing content & violence.
Rating: PG-13
Status: complete

Eidolon Am I - The sequel to For They Shall Be Filled. "This is all, first and foremost, a story. It is not a tale, or an epic, or a legend; it is just a story. Plain and simple. It is my story. "
Rating: PG-13
Status: discontinued.


~ Final Fantasy VIII ~
Rip Torn Tumble (Straight into Me) - Seifer/Squall. When old family secrets refuse to stay buried, Squall has to come and save the day. Again. The only problem is: Who is going to save him?
Warnings: spoilers, yaoi, shounen-ai, mature themes, and violence.
Rating: R
Status: discontinued

UnComfortable - Seifer/Squall, Rinoa/Squall pairings. With the Sorceress defeated and the war won, things can finally settle down, right? Wrong. Now a different sort of battle is being fought in Balamb Garden-one that will change the Lion forever.
Warnings: YAOI and SHOUNEN-AI in it-Seifer/Squall pairing
Rating: R
Status: hiatus


~ Harry Potter ~
Ce Sera Bien - SS/HP post Hogwarts slash. Harry loves Severus. Severus loves Harry. And, for now at least, that's just going to have to be enough.
Rating: R
Status: complete

Fourteen Fathoms - Gen fic; Snape discovers something disturbing about Harry and acts . . . like Snape.
Rating: PG
Status: complete

The Human Season - Harry sleeps. Severus wonders. SS/HP slash.
Rating: PG-13
Status: complete

Morior Animus - “That was his gift, you know? Happy endings... ” He wanted to believe that. He really did. But he knew better. [Written for the 2007 Snarry Games, Team Wartime]
Rating: R - UST, Book 6 S.P.O.I.L.E.R.S., & character death.
Status: complete

The Promise - HP/SS Slash. Implied underage. A ballad in fifteen verses in which Harry has everything and loses it all.
Warnings: SS/HP slash, underage, character death. Unbeta-ed.
Rating: PG
Status: complete

Simulo - Severus makes do.
Warnings: This fic is a bit warped: implied rape, overt creepiness, & mentioned mis usage of polyjuice. Severus is generally unpleasant in this. Slash, regardless of the circumstances.
Rating: R
Status: complete

Speechless - Harry/Severus drabble without the angst and UST--all fluff. - Harry has to give a speech. Severus tries to be supportive.
Rating: PG
Status: complete

To Stay the Shadow - SS/HP slash. Once upon a time Severus Snape fell in love. And then everything went wrong. Written for the 2008 Snarry Games - Team Phoenix
Rating: R
Status: 8:8 chapters complete

Thresh - SS/HP slash. Voldemort can give Severus the one thing Dumbledore will not: an opportunity. What’s a Slytherin to do?
Warnings: SS/HP slash, disturbing themes, underaged-ness, violence, mature content, dubious consent, abuse of power over a minor, somnophilia, bondage, improper use of Potions, and dubious psychological torture.
Rating: NC-17
Status: WIP

The White Door - Chains are not the only way to imprison a person, but what escape is there when you yourself are the warden? --" Written for the Snarry Olympics; Team Angst
Rating: R - disturbing content
Status: complete

The Broken Lullabies Arc
{complete series index is here}
Hush Little Baby - Same ole, same ole with a lemony twist: Harry gets captured and Severus does a bad, bad thing. Complete.
Warnings: This story contains MATURE CONTENT, EXTREMELY DISTURBING MATERIAL, slash, and NCS
Rating: NC-17
Status: complete

Don't Say a Word - Severus reaps what he's sown.
Warnings: This story is rated for slash, language, and some rather dark psychological content. While it's certainly not for the kiddies, there's NO sex or violence.
Rating: R
Status: complete

And if That Diamond Ring Turns Brass - Oblivious, the world continues to spin and Severus comes to terms with himself, what he's done, and the intractable future. SS/HP Slash.
Warnings: HARD R Rating. AU, slash, angst, language, and Sev being generally creepy. What else do I write about?
Rating: R
Status: complete

The Broken Magic Set
A Broken Glass Kind of Magic - Implied SB/RL slash. After Book 4, Sirius arrives at Lupin's and the werewolf takes the time to think of all the things that he should have said and what never was.
Rating: PG
Status: complete

My Name is Remus Lupin. I am a Werewolf. - SB/RL slash. After OotP, Remus picks up the pieces--or rather, his pieces.
Rating: PG
Status: complete

The J. Alfred Prufrock Arc
{complete series index is here}
The J. Alfred Prufrock Arc: Verses 1-8 - SS/HP slash. Severus and Harry begin a relationship . . . whether they want to or not.
Warnings: violence, disturbing content, language, pre-slash.
Rating: R
Status: complete

The J. Alfred Prufrock Arc: Verse 9 - Where the Heart Moves the Stone - A story of hunters, hunted, & prophets in which Harry fights for Severus, Severus fights himself, and Draco gets caught in the crossfire.
Warnings: SS/HP slash, sexual content, violence, & language.
Rating: NC-17
Status: complete

The J. Alfred Prufrock Arc: Verses 10-18 - SS/HP slash - sequel to Where the Heart Moves the Stone; Trapped in an unequal relationship, Severus and Harry desperately search for a way to save themselves-provided they don't kill each other first.
Warnings: SS/HP slash (Harry is 16 and Severus is 38), violence, disturbing content, & language.
Rating: R
Status: WIP


~ Kyou Kara Maou ~
Moving Forward - Conrad learns the hard way that some dreams have to die before you can really start to live. ConYuu, mentioned WolfYuu, & YozRad.
Warnings: angst and Conrad being stubborn.
Rating: PG
Status: complete

Through the Cracks - One-sided ConYuu & mentioned WolfYuu. Takes place during ep. 37 - At a moment when he feels his entire world is falling apart, Conrad looks through the cracks and doesn't like what he sees.
Warnings: der angst and some vaguely disturbing imagery / overtones. Beware of S.P.O.I.L.E.R.S. if you're not caught up to 37.
Rating: PG-13
Status: complete

The Trouble with Truffles - Yozak told him not to eat those damn sweets . . .
Warnings: Yaoi lemon-ness!
Rating: NC-17
Status: complete

Where I Belong - Post episode 40, pre episode 41 - One-sided(?) ConYuu: On the way back from Francshire, Conrad mourns the past and worries over the future, but finds solace in being back where he belongs.
Warnings: S.P.O.I.L.E.R.S.
Rating: PG
Status: complete


~ Metalocalypse ~
The Care & Upkeep of Rainbows - Follows The Church of the Black Klok; Toki dreams in rainbows, but the real world is made of blood. It's okay, though. They're going to save him. They promised.
Pairings: Magnus/Toki & some heavy Skwisgaar/Toki overtones
Warnings: Language, Magnus's buckets o' crazy, slash, torture, violence, & non-con. Seriously triggery happenings and NC-17 content.
Rating: NC-17
Status: complete


~ Supernatural ~
Only One Option - 'Sam had burned the world to bring Dean back and Dean had drenched it in blood to keep Sam safe. He wasn't sure how it could have been any other way.'
Warnings: Season 3 spoilers, slash, wincest, apocalypse.
Rating: R
Status: complete

The Strange Angels 'Verse
Up From Perdition - Some souls will be saved whether they want it or not.
Warnings: Season 4 spoilers.
Rating: G
Status: complete

Intolerance of Ambiguity - Dean may not have faith in God, but Castiel's having trouble having faith in humanity--especially when it comes to one Samuel Winchester.
Warnings: Season 4 spoilers, slash, wincest, mentions of het, & blasphemy.
Rating: PG
Status: complete

A Vast Image Out of Spiritus Mundi - The game has been rigged and the deck stacked against him from the start, but Sam is going to bring down the entire fucking casino. And no one--be they trickster, angel, demon, or God Himself--is going to stop him from protecting Dean this time.
Warnings: Season 4 spoilers, slash, wincest, mentions of het, & blasphemy.
Rating: R
Status: complete

I am Become as Sounding Brass - 'And we all Fall down.' With Heaven on one side and Hell on the other, all Dean wants is Sam and the open road--but that choice may very well be out of his hands.
Warnings: dubious consent, blasphemy, slash, wincest, implied het, language, & season 4 spoilers.
Rating: R
Status: complete


~ X-Men ~
His Damned Faded Grace - FROM THE COMICS. When Wolverine catches Remy meeting with an old friend, the Canadian X-Men receives some wisdom and interesting insight into the Cajun's personality and interactions with others--courtesy of a Marauder . . .
Rating: R
Status: complete

Poker--No Bluffs - From the Comics. When some old friends mess up, Remy is faces some of the same decisions which lead to his original fall from grace, how can he choose between friends and family, particularly when said family doesn't seem to want him?
Rating: PG-13
Status: discontinued

What Someone is Willing to Give - From the books. A simple job for Xavier may bring Remy's world crashing down around his ears. Who are Madeleine and Eli Kiltcher and why are Sinister and Scalphunter so . . . worried?
Rating: R
Status: discontinued


~ Yami no Matsuei ~
Death & the Art of Living - Hisoka learns that there comes a time when you must choose your battles and--even if you’ve chosen the losing side--you have to stick it out to the bitter end.
Warnings: Tatsumi/Hisoka, Tsuzuki/Hisoka, Muraki/Tsuzuki, and past Tatsumi/Tsuzuki
Rating: R
Status: 1/? complete

In the Ashes of Jericho - Post-Kyoto; His/Tsu and His/Oriya. When Hisoka makes some questionable choices, his life spins wildly out of control, dragging down everyone with him. Now he has to choose between what he wants and what he needs--or are they the same thing?
Warnings: yaoi, angst, violence, sexual content.
Rating: R
Status: hiatus

Residency - DISTURBING CONTENT: Muraki/Hisoka - During the final months of his residency, Muraki finds something he thought he’d lost-something that would have rather not been found.
Warnings: Yaoi. Muraki / Hisoka. Graphic non-con NC-17. Under aged, non-consensual sex, violence, language, serious abuses of power, psychological and sexual abuse, character death, and references to torture. Not for the tender-hearted.
Rating: NC-17
Status: complete

Shattered Emeralds - Slight AU. Tsuzuki's just returned from vacation, and he's in for a rude awakening. Who is the emerald-eyed boy in his dreams, what's happened to Watari, what does all this have to do with this new case, and exactly why won't anyone tell him the truth?
Warnings: violence, language, bondage, NCS, torture
Rating: NC-17
Status: discontinued


~ General Drabbles ~
Thrashing Quail - A cross-series train of thought blurb. Kind of odd and the formatting went wonky, but I like it. Features Seifer Almasy / Motomiya Daisuke / Tsuzuki Asato speaking about Squall Leonhart / Ichijouji Ken / Kurosaki Hisoka.


~ Archive Locations ~
Main Archives:
Archive of Our Own |

General Archives: | Adult | Slash

Specific Archives:
The Sam/Dean Archive - a Supernatural Archive | Walking the Plank - a Snarry Archive | | - an anime archive



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