The Sky Isn't Burning (Anymore)

Mar 26, 2009 03:10

Rating: G
Prompt: #047 - Truth
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: Journey's End
Characters: Donna
Summary: Sometimes Donna knows where she isn't.

The truth is hidden in a shop window’s reflection. Donna catches sight of it out of the corner of her eye: herself before the background of a city made of glass, of flowers, of marble. She knows ( Read more... )

medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, medium: drabble, table: time war

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nightrider101 March 27 2009, 22:31:01 UTC
Oh, Donna. This was a great snapshot of what she must be feeling. Beautifully written as always. :)

In other news, I'm heading out to dinner in a moment then when I get home, I have to sign up for the Support Stacie auction. Talk about waiting until the last minute!


vail_kagami March 27 2009, 23:47:05 UTC
Does that mean you haven't yet? Gah! Don't you ever learn?
I think it was Douglas Adams (correct me if I'm wrong) who said he liked deadlines. He liked the funny squishing noises they made as they passed by.

Your icon is so pretty!

In other news, we're pretty much done. There wasn't too much to do today compared to the days before, but I was so tired, including headache, I nearly passed out this afternoon. Now I could go to sleep I'm all awake and happy again. The usual daytime fail.


nightrider101 March 28 2009, 01:24:24 UTC
You know I'm always slow at getting these things done! I actually just sent my sign up form in so I should be in time. :)

Isn't this a lovely icon? shinodabear made it.

YAY for being done!! Hopefully you're in bed now. You have to rest up for our writing night!


vail_kagami March 28 2009, 01:51:58 UTC
In bed, yes. Making Merlin icons. :P
There's an icon post commig up in a few days.


nightrider101 March 28 2009, 02:05:13 UTC
I believe that counts as a fail. :P


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