The Sky Isn't Burning (Anymore)

Mar 26, 2009 03:10

Rating: G
Prompt: #047 - Truth
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: Journey's End
Characters: Donna
Summary: Sometimes Donna knows where she isn't.

The truth is hidden in a shop window’s reflection. Donna catches sight of it out of the corner of her eye: herself before the background of a city made of glass, of flowers, of marble. She knows where she is, how she got there, knows the man reflected beside her until she turns her head and sees herself before the background of a London bookshop.

Daydreams. She doesn’t stop.

So lost in thoughts she doesn’t know what she’s thinking about, Donna looks up in shock when icy fear, terrible knowledge run through her. The sight of the sky, blue and clear above her makes her weak with relief, the reason clear for one second, forgotten the next.

Shaking her head, she walks on.

March 26, 2009

medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, medium: drabble, table: time war

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