Other End

Feb 09, 2009 05:30

Rating: G
Prompt: #001 - Beginnings
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: None
Characters: None
Summary: Many a story has started with the same fatal words.

In the beginning, it was determined what was right and what was wrong. )

medium: story, fandom: doctor who, table: time war, doctor who era: undefined

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nightrider101 February 14 2009, 22:42:43 UTC
This was great!

I love the style you chose to write this piece. It's original and funny in some places.

In the beginning, it was clear to see who held the moral high-ground. Weren't we just talking about this last night?

This reminds me of your email: In the beginning, the universe was being cared for and watched over. (But it wasn’t worth the effort, really.)

Thank you so much for sharing! You aren't afraid to try new styles, and I commend you for that!


vail_kagami February 14 2009, 23:39:12 UTC
Thank you! This didn't exactly feel like the greatest thing I'd ever written, but I'm happy you liked it!


nightrider101 February 14 2009, 23:42:27 UTC
Chances are if you felt it was the greatest thing you'd ever written, it would have received no comments. Why? Because the Universe is a strange place and the fanfic gods hate us!


vail_kagami February 15 2009, 00:01:32 UTC
You know, I think you're right.
Which reminds me: When will the second chapter of your OT3 story be up?


nightrider101 February 15 2009, 00:05:42 UTC

Funny you should ask, it actually went up about an hour ago. :)


vail_kagami February 15 2009, 00:14:23 UTC
Oh, that's great! I need to read it!

Heh... I gave up looking for screenshots and started making some myself. The stupid program is making it too much work to do exessive iconing, but I figured I need at least a few, for when I post comments to Merlin stories.

I need to do some more, preferably of the fluffy kind. As opposed to DOOOOMED.


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