Other End

Feb 09, 2009 05:30

Rating: G
Prompt: #001 - Beginnings
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: None
Characters: None
Summary: Many a story has started with the same fatal words.

Many a story has started with the same fatal words:

In the beginning, Rassilon created the sky and the stars. (The story doesn’t actually go like this, but people have accepted this version as the truth for so long that no one remembers the original words anymore.)

In the beginning, there was no time and no space outside the confines of the orange sky.

In the beginning, there was an idea, and space was folded into itself until a universe would fit into the palm of a hand.

In the beginning, time and space were given shape, and they danced through the playground of the cosmos wild and free. (Naturally, this had to change.)

In the beginning, the universe was being cared for and watched over. (But it wasn’t worth the effort, really.)

In the beginning, the Time Lords realised that they were better than all the other races, and they went out to spread the word of their benevolent superiority.

In the beginning, it was determined what was right and what was wrong.

In the beginning, there were two boys, and they loved each other like brothers (they say) and swore to never part. (No story starting like this can ever end well.)

In the beginning, there was a Lady (not a woman ever, and yet a lady in every way she chose to be) who looked ahead and waited for what she knew was coming. (She liked blue.)

In the beginning, the high council dared to break the rules they had created themselves.

In the beginning, the Time Lords took a pole that was so long it reached across all of time and space, and they poked the evil Daleks with it until the Daleks were really angry, but they could do nothing about it because the Time Lords were too far away. (The young ones used to laugh about this one.)

In the beginning, and for a long time after, the Time Lord thought they were invincible.

In the beginning, it was clear to see who held the moral high-ground.

In the beginning was the good intention to make the universe a better place. (This is a story that ends with a button being pushed and the end of everything.)

All these are the same story, told from different perspectives. All but one are lacking an end.

February 9, 2008

medium: story, fandom: doctor who, table: time war, doctor who era: undefined

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