TW/DW Spoiler Post

Apr 06, 2008 13:16

A bit late for Torchwood. I was in Danmark for a week and only returned yesterday. The good thing is I managed to finish the second-to-last chapter of The Shade of Somewhere Else. Less good is that I was too tired to proofread it yesterday, or read anything else for that matter. All I did was watch Torchwood and Doctor Who - can never be too tired ( Read more... )

fandom: doctor who, review, fandom: torchwood

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nightrider101 April 6 2008, 16:40:06 UTC
Well, I wish you would finish your John Hart story. Perhaps he could already be controlled by Gray? Since Gray wants to hurt his brother, maybe it could work? *pets your muses*

Ugh...Torchwood. My biggest problem is that Owen and Tosh are dead. The acting of those two characters was the best I've seen all season. I was sobbing by the end. Tosh's line "Because you're breaking my heart." *lip quivers*

Doctor Who!!! I loved it!!! It was so corny! That's why I love the show! It left me with a happy feeling rather than wanting to beat my head against the wall. Donna seems like she's going to be a blast. Also, this episode showed that meeting the Doctor can change people for the better. He also gave props to Martha which I liked.

Oh, talking to himself in the TARDIS? He shouldn't be alone! And seriously, could his hair get any bigger??? I loved it!

I'm not sure how I feel about the Rose moment, and I actually like her character! LOL I'm avoiding most comms because I don't want to hear the ship wars. No time for that crap. *nods* What I don't want to do is just wait for the finale. I'm going to savor every episode!

I'm just THRILLED it's back on and the episode kicked ass!


vail_kagami April 6 2008, 18:14:00 UTC
Well, I wish you would finish your John Hart story. Perhaps he could already be controlled by Gray? Since Gray wants to hurt his brother, maybe it could work? *pets your muses*

Wouldn't work, as John didn't do anything to deliberately hurt Jack in my story, it's just a side effect. When he decides to go Time Lord hunting he doesn't know about the Doctor and Jack.
Maybe I'll ignore the episode and finish the story like I staarted it, but even then I wouldn't upload it at Teaspoon or any comm but only in this journal. Friends locked.

The only comm I'm visiting regularly is dw_slash, and there is little Rose present, fortunately. Otherwise I might start hating her before she comes back.
Still not sure how I feel about it. I hope they don't fuck it up by making the Doctor go all "Oh Rose!" again. I hope they'll handle it as a chance for him to let her go.

Missed you by the way!


nightrider101 April 6 2008, 19:12:53 UTC
Ignore the episode! I do that all the time. :) It would be a shame not to finish it because you've already put a lot of work into writing and and you like the progress you've made so far. :)

*nods* There isn't much wank on dw_slash. I just hate the drama and the bitching. I basically only visit friends journals and a couple of comms for just those reasons!

Yeah, the Doctor and Rose need closure. Hopefully the episodes will continue much like this one because it was amazing! After TW, I was seriously concerned that muses could be declared clinically dead. Between your return and my boyfriend's comment (which is on my LJ), I'm feeling much better!


vail_kagami April 6 2008, 19:51:29 UTC
Next episode looks great already. And, well. Volcano Day. Isn't younger!Jack running around there somehwere? Also stuff for fanfic, but it would be difficult not to mix up the timelines.


nightrider101 April 7 2008, 00:53:02 UTC
Yep, I think Jack is running around there. I'm hoping for a reference. ;)


blackletter April 6 2008, 19:42:13 UTC
Friends locked.

Damn. That means I'll have to de-lurk.

Hello, lurker here. I've been reading and (very quietly) adoring all your stories. And after reading these little bits about your John story, I'd like to add my voice to those begging you to finish it. (And John in Exit Wounds is, in my opinion, still not a good guy. It's just that if he's going to do evil, it's going to be on *his* terms, not on someone else's orders.)


vail_kagami April 6 2008, 19:53:33 UTC
That's actually a very good idea. Unfortunately I didn't see it in his performances, but it would be something to work with.
That story was stared long before the last episode aired and if I finish it I will probably just ignore that one ever happened.


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