TW/DW Spoiler Post

Apr 06, 2008 13:16

A bit late for Torchwood. I was in Danmark for a week and only returned yesterday. The good thing is I managed to finish the second-to-last chapter of The Shade of Somewhere Else. Less good is that I was too tired to proofread it yesterday, or read anything else for that matter. All I did was watch Torchwood and Doctor Who - can never be too tired for that.
Unfortunately I hate the chapter I wrote, so I can't tell when I'll find the will to read it again, which is neccessary before posting. But it will probably be sometime today.
There's still stuff to be done for university though.

Oh, Torchwood! Why do you keep doing this?
The episode was great. Yes, it was. Much better than last year's finale. It actually got a reaction from me - mostly tears. And anger, into which I will go later. And WTF. Wouldn't be Torchwood without it.
Grey didn't do anything for me. I was pretty much umimpressed by the guy. He needs to get a life.
As for Jack - my heart almost broke when Grey decided to bury him for two thousand years. I thought 'Poor Jack, no-one can get through that without going completely insane.' But, oh look! Jack can! According to Grey he has come to life and died again constantly for almost two millenia and did it affect his mind in any way? No. If anything he was calmer afterwarts, because he has gotten his punishment for abandoning his brother as a child and finally could let it go. He was, in fact, so much at peace with the world that he felt the need to quote the Doctor.
My personal theory is that Jack can't come back to life in an environmet in which he would immediately die again and thus spend all that time dead, ergo the time didn't exist for him. Would mean Grey got it wrong, but that would still make more sense (a lot more sense actually) than what they are they trying to sell us here. It still wouldn't explain how Jack's clothes survived all that time in the ground. I mean - worms? General decay? Jack's immortal and unchanging. His coat is not.
Speaking of unchanging: He isn't. In Last of the Time Lords he complained about getting older. So, if he did indeed come back every few minutes and needed a few minutes to suffocate again he would still have spent a considerable amount of that time alive. A time in which he didn't gain a singel new grey hair. Oh, Jack! No. Just no.
On a different note, a friend of mine pointed out that Jack was now in 1941 three times. No, wait! Four! When he met the Doctor and Rose, when he waited for the Doctor, when he went back with Toshiko and when he was frozen. He could start an orgy with himself!
I don't know what to make of the fact that John Hart apparently is one of the at least medium-not-evil-ones. No, wait, that was a lie. I hate it! After watching the episode I just thought it a bit odd and anoying but then I realised: This has killed one of my fanfics. A fanfic I was already six pages in. A fanfic sarkywoman has been looking forwad to. Now it's not ever going to be finished. THANKS A LOT, TORCHWOOD!
I hate it when the characters are OOC. I try to avoid it in my stories. Now Captain John is very OOC in that certain one. He wasn't when I started it, which doesn't say anything nice about Torchwood and character developement.
I wrote him as a selfish, sadistical, greedy bastard who is slightly obsessed with Jack and prefers to use others to do the dirty work for him instead of endangering his own life when he doesn't have to. When I started the fic it was perfectly in-character. But now he had to turn out to be a victim of evil Grey (Was he alredy in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang?), who is actually noble at heart and risks his life out of love or honour or whatever. Hero of the day, so to speak.
No. Way. In. Hell.
Fuck you, Torchwood! So much wasted work! I hate leaving stuff unfinished, but with this I can't work. The sad thing is I actually like what I've written so far.
The good thing about the episode were the others. Ianto didn't get much spotlight which was perfectly fine with me. Rhys was awesome as always. Gwen didn't get on my nerves. Andy was present. And how cool was Owen-the-Weevil-King?
Apparently not cool enough. I heard rumours about him dying and was pretty sure they were true, but I still didn't like it. At all. I didn't hold much love for the character in the first series, but he grew on me in the second. Especially once he was dead. I'm going to miss him.
I also heard Tosh would die but had hoped they would only kill one main character per episode. When she was shot I hoped that whoever spread that rumour had only seen her being injured and assumed she'd die, but that the others would actually come in time to save her. But no! The others where in the basement hugging while Tosh bled to death! You suckers!
When Owen asked her to tell him why he should calm down and quietly wait for the end and she said "Because you're breaking my heart" I started crying and didn't stop for the rest of the episode. Owen's angry ranting and Tosh's quiet, dignified death were very in-character and well done, I have to say. I would have liked the scenes if they didn't mean the ends of two of my favourite characters.
And Tosh's message at the end killed me.
Neither of them deserved to die in an episode that was basically about Jack.
The good thing about returning yesterday was that there wasn't much waiting time between Exit Wounds and Partners in Crime. Which really helped getting over it.

How long have I waited for this episode? And I was not disappointed. I know what others are going to say, about the Doctor and Donna constantly missing each other, about the pathetically cute monsters etc, but I liked it. I loved the little fat-creatures. I loved Donna. I loved her grandfather and the woman bound to the chair. Most of all I loved the conversation through the window, and just generally the Doctor and Donna together. How the hell did she fit all those bags in the car, though, and where did her mother put her shoppings?
Oh, but he mentioned Martha and how he ruined her life, even though I'm not sure she would put it that way. Loved that. Even though I'm not sure we can compare killing the Racnoss and not killing the little fatties, as the latter were no threat to anyone.
And the Doctor has learned that his companions tend to fall in love with him and is now actively looking for those who won't. Him speaking to the empty TARDIS? Heartbreaking.
Yes, I'm easy to please. I watch the series because I love it, after all, not because I want to complain.
Torchwood is a bit different. I love complaining about Torchwood, it's part of the fun. Except the John-Heart-is-a-hero thing. Made of fail.
As for the blond woman Donna was talking to at the end? I so knew I would be Rose! And given that I dreaded her return I was surprisingly exited about it. Still not sure what to think of all that. I'll decide once she's reunited with the Doctor.

fandom: doctor who, review, fandom: torchwood

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