TW/DW Spoiler Post

Apr 06, 2008 13:16

A bit late for Torchwood. I was in Danmark for a week and only returned yesterday. The good thing is I managed to finish the second-to-last chapter of The Shade of Somewhere Else. Less good is that I was too tired to proofread it yesterday, or read anything else for that matter. All I did was watch Torchwood and Doctor Who - can never be too tired ( Read more... )

fandom: doctor who, review, fandom: torchwood

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gritsinmisery April 6 2008, 15:04:04 UTC
Exit Wounds: Ayah.

The science in this was crap, both the real science (coat decay) and the "DW/TW science": time-lines crossed, Jack slowly aging. Srsly, somebody needs to go over to BBC Wales and whump some writers up t'side of t'head.

The actor who played Gray, who was so awful I can't be arsed to go IMDB his name -- Brad Pitt / Ben Browder wannabee. STFU and GTFO. And not just because I hated the character, which I will admit to. A decent actor could have made a little something of the part, but this one couldn't.

If I remember correctly, John was wearing his own wristband / controller, and then Jack's after he dumped him off the roof, in "KKBB" so I don't think he was under Gray's control then. But did he mention Gray just as he was leaving? (Redacted), now I have to go find the CD I saved that ep to and watch it again.

I read an interview where one of the TW directors said James Marsters took John in a slightly different direction than they'd expected when they wrote the script -- that James' John had seen Jack's inability to die as a personal affront. Kinda fun, but mebbe to be expected from an actor who spent that much time in the Whedonverse. Not that RTD et. al. don't worship at the altar of the Ginger Joss, anyway...

It's nice to know that Barrowman looks like shit when he cries. It pisses me off when actors use artificial tears and don't actually haul off and really cry, which I can tell b/c I get horridly red and splotchy when I do, and most other people do too. And John was (Gareth too, but we've seen him ugly-up before.) Makes this fangirl happy.

We pretty much knew Owen was a goner, because hey, he's been dead for several eps already. I was sad to see Tosh go, but the rumors were quite loud and all over the place so I wasn't surprised. And both of their deaths were brilliant. And much, much love to Owen for chilling when Tosh said he was breaking her heart. This character got to grow so much over the two seasons.

PC Andy love! Gwen's said she'll never rec him for Torchwood, but please dear God and Uncle Rusty, write him into many eps next season! Ditto Rhys.

Good heavens, this isn't a comment, this is a post. Sry.


vail_kagami April 6 2008, 18:03:56 UTC
Yepp, John's last words before he left were "By the way, I found Grey" or something like that.

I wasn't surprised about Owen and Tosh either, but was clinging to hope. As much as I like they two that are supposed to replace them, I don't think they fit into the series. Well, we'll see.

Writing posts as replies to posts is fine. I do that a lot.


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