Garlic and Torchwood

Feb 14, 2008 23:18

I managed to let an open pack of garlic pulver fall into my washing machine. You can imagine how my clothes smell now. I washed them twice in a row and they still stank. Now I've put them outside, hoping the fresh air will lessen the smell somewhat, but it's freezing cold and they're still damp, so yeah. Frozen pyjamas! Yay!

Today was my last day of ( Read more... )

review, fandom: torchwood, real life

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Comments 10

nightrider101 February 14 2008, 23:20:48 UTC
Major props for Martha in Reset. :) She was brilliant and is definitely a shining young actress.

I'm starting to feel bad for Rys. I really like him. Gwen's comment about how she loves Jack more - I suppose it's fair to say differently - seemed so out of place.

Congrats about it being your last day of University! Do you get a break now?

And YAY for more Shade! WOOHOO! I'm planning/praying to find the time to write this weekend.


vail_kagami February 15 2008, 14:40:25 UTC
Total agreement here about Rhys. Doesn't he kind of remind you of poor Mickey?

Not exatly a break. I'm working on two long essays to be written during my holliday. One is mostly finished, but I'll need ages for the second one. Because I don't understand what it is about.

I hope you'll find some time to write this weekend as well. I also hope I can stop myself from writing too much essay (I have this 'Must finish that!' urge) and manage to get my chapter done.


nightrider101 February 15 2008, 18:56:51 UTC
Yeah, I can see the resemblance between Gwen/Rys and Rose/Mickey. It just doesn't seem fair to him.

I wish I had your motivation! My profile is due Monday and it's not finished yet. I'll get it done this weekend though. :)


vail_kagami February 15 2008, 19:56:32 UTC
It's not motivation, it's panic.
I hope you get to finish your profile! (And still find somet ime to write fanfic.)


huggabledog February 15 2008, 00:11:57 UTC
I don't think any of our stations have taken Torchwood on here, so the only way we'll see it is to buy it on DVD from the UK when it comes out. That'll be a long wait. I wasn't that keen on the first series, but it had potential, and Martha being in it - well I've got to see that. Seems odd that they're giving Jack a het relationship doesn't it? I know the character is bi, but I thought Russell would have taken the show's opportunity to have a serious gay relationship for his main character.
Oh please write more of Shade. Beg beg.


vail_kagami February 15 2008, 14:42:39 UTC
Well, Inato is being all sweet abouut Jack lately, which is kind of overshadowed by Jack going drooling on Gwen every five minutes. There was a nice comment about measuring tape in 'Adam' though.
I'll try to fiish my chapter this weekend.


huggabledog February 15 2008, 22:56:22 UTC
I'm away without a computer this weekend but I'll be dying to read it when I get back late monday. No pressure.... much. :-)


t_eyla February 15 2008, 18:32:45 UTC
Hey there fellow German Who fan!

I added you because 1) you're German, like me (I was beginning to feel all alone in our damp, dark Wholess country D: ), and 2) you write shiny shiny Ten torture fic. I know I didn't review, and I apologize profusely - I'm working on getting rid of my tendency to lurk, really, I am - but I read the Ten Hours and the Confined Spaces series and enjoyed them both a lot!

I hope you don't mind my adding you. If you do, let me know, and I'll defriend without any hard or other unfriendly feelings :).


vail_kagami February 15 2008, 19:57:31 UTC
Thanks for adding me, I don't mind. Glad you like my stories!


anduril_narsil February 19 2008, 12:44:13 UTC
I have tears in my eyes when i watched Reset. Not because of Owen, but the Doctor. Recommended the job for Martha, still taking care of his companion, yet.


They left him alone! And he got to deal with Titanic and all those people he can't save but he still tried and why does he have to go through it alone? That hurts.

Or probably just my hormone.


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