Garlic and Torchwood

Feb 14, 2008 23:18

I managed to let an open pack of garlic pulver fall into my washing machine. You can imagine how my clothes smell now. I washed them twice in a row and they still stank. Now I've put them outside, hoping the fresh air will lessen the smell somewhat, but it's freezing cold and they're still damp, so yeah. Frozen pyjamas! Yay!

Today was my last day of university. I managed to miss the bus the fourth day in a row and had to walk a few kilometers. It's getting annoying!
A friend of mine had an oral and a written exam this morning, and after that she came to me and we watched the two newest epeisodes of Torchwood.

To be honest I am not entirely sure how I feel about Adam. The episode, not the person. What a jerk, even if it's understandable that he didn't want to die.
Owen as a geek is kind of scary, as was Tosh's new personality. Loved Jack's expression when he discovered that he had just rushed to Gwen's flat to save her from Rhys.
And Ianto as a psychopathic serial killer? Totally believable. He had no personality in the first season and it's easy to paint all sort of things onto that empty canvas. I like that idea. It's a nice change from Ianto-the-Perfect-Saint the Torchwood fandom seems to like so much.
So Jack remembered some of his childhood on planet Tatooine. It didn't touch me much, though his emotions were more believable than in the last episode. Grey was cute though. Mostly I could make fun all day of how much little Jack looked like Anakin Skywalker.
Gwen/Jack: Fail. Just stop it, please.
Since they knew they wouldn't remember, whouldn't it have been an idea to write down what happened in those two days they would lose? Also, I think they accepted the memory loss a little too easily afterwards. "Two days of our lives are gone and have been erased from tape? Okay. Let's move on to the next episode!"
On a side note, I only now noticed that the window in the hub is covered in Gallifreyan symbols. What the hell?
I'd love to know if Jack has copied it from somewhere, if he actually knows what he's written or if the Doctor will laugh his arse off should he ever visit Torchwood. To find out the Doctor would have to visit Torchwood. (Want!)

Now. Let's move on to the next episode.

Martha is already woking for UNIT. That was a surprise for me. Also, she got recommended by the Doctor? How sweet!
And she rules! Martha Jones is so much more professional than the rest of the team, it's almost embarrassing. Jack was sweet around her - it was almost Doctor-Jack, as compared to Torchwood-Jack. I like Doctor-Jack better.
Martha is better than Owen as a doctor. No surprise there.
Although Owen dying came as a surprise. It shouldn't have been, after he agreed to go out with Tosh. Whoever dates Tosh dies. Didn't they learn by now?
Mary = Shot into the sun.
Tommy = Executed.
Adam = Erased from existence.
Owen = Shot.
I see a pattern.
*possible spoiler for next week*

Though he will obviously come back next episode. And turn into a weevil? Pew. I wonder if anyone will be able to tell the difference.
My personal highlight, though? Doctor references! Torchwood should have more of them! It's a spin-off, dammit! It's allowed to refer to its mother series!

Is it just me or does everyone safe (possibly) Jack seem pale in comparison when Martha is around?

Now I'll see if I can write another few sentences for chapter nine of Shade before going to bed. I'm ridiculously tired.
Most of my writing time right now is used for two 25-pages essays I'll have to finish until the end of March. It's a bit different from writing fanfic.

review, fandom: torchwood, real life

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