Rec-A-Weekend | Week 52 B

Dec 29, 2013 22:57

Title: Shadow of the Bookman
Author: ButterflyGhost
Fandom: due South
Characters/Pairings: Ray Vecchio, Vecchio Family, Armando Langoustini, OCs, Benton Fraser, others
Summary: The FBI have approached Ray to go undercover with the mob, and Ray has said 'no.' But it turns out that there is a skeleton in the Vecchio family closet. What is the secret which Ray can't allow to be revealed, and how do the FBI use it to turn him into the Bookman? [Summary of Part 1]
Wordcount: 219,136
Why it's awesome: A four-part epic about Ray Vecchio's time in Vegas, starting just before the phone call at the beginning of season 3 and ending years after the show. It's brilliantly written, with a great use of characters mostly unexplored by canon, a fantastic set of original characters, and a very clever plot, and it may, in fact, be just about the best fanfic I have ever read, in any fandom. Which doesn't mean that it wasn't hard to read every now and again. A lot of the time, actually. (It also made me want to punch some people in the face.)
The story finds good explanations for a lot of things that plain make no sense in the original canon and offers one of the best Ray Vecchio's to be found anywhere, ever. It runs parallel to season three (or three and four, depending on where you are) and I'm not going to say that I wish we had gotten this as canon instead because then canon would have killed me, but I wouldn't have minded if canon had been a little bit like it, either.

rec-a-weekend, rec, fandom: due south

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