Rec-A-Weekend | Week 52 A

Dec 28, 2013 15:56

Title: Signal Fire
Author: zeitheist
Fandom: Assassin's Creed
Characters/Pairings: Desmond Miles, Wiliam Miles, Shaun Hastings, Rebecca Crane
Summary: Written for the Fiction On Christmas Morning giveaway on my Tumblr, for the anon who wanted "gen fic, (preferably happy gen fic) with the modern Assassins Creed guys". This fic is based around epistolery content featured in Black Flag, but contains no spoilers for that game or for the ending of Assassin's Creed 3.
Wordcount: 3667
Why it's awesome: This is something I happened to come across the other day and spontaneously decided to rec. It's not that happy, actually, except it is, except that means it isn't considering the context through which we know those photos. But it does a great job giving a background to those snapshots, why Desmond made them and why he kept them, and in the process it gives a background to the group of modern assassins and some snapshots of how they lived while working on saving the world.

fandom: assassin's creed, rec-a-weekend, rec

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