
Nov 14, 2007 03:02

Rating: NC-17
Prompt: #048 - Lie
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: End of Season 3
Warning: Non-con
Pairing: Simm!Master/Doctor (10)
Summary: The Master missed the end of the war but he likes to watch it on tape.
Note: Feels like the day is wasted if I don't write at aleast a little bit, so I write. Doesn't mean it's good. What do they say about quantity and quality...? Anyway, I noticed that every story I have so far written for my claim is at best rated PG. So I wrote this. Sad, isn't it?

He can actually smell it.

Burned earth, burned flesh, and then dust and ashes and the absence of everything. It is nothing the other has ever smelled himself outside the planes of his nightmares and imagination and the Master can see and smell and feel it all, even the guilt and the pain and the lonely emptiness. It all flows together in the bright blinding light of regeneration to form something new that consists only of loss.

The Master sees and feels, but it doesn’t touch him. He only watches, intrigued, from a distance. Over and over, a video set on repeat, a broken record. Whistling he walks on the surface of the stream of nothingness that runs from Never to Never and swallows everything in between.

He is merely a tourist, come to see the sights.

Beneath him the Doctor, his guide, is screaming, for the desperation does not fade and he can’t get used to the pain and the guilt is crippling.

He is a being formed of loneliness and loss. The Master’s presence negates him, makes him less than he was, reforms him. He doesn’t want to be alone but he still is. Yet he isn’t. The Master moves inside him and leaves marks but no traces. He will leave him alone eventually, and while the Doctor can’t know it he knows the Master is not with him, will not stay, that his presence is fragile. He is made of loss yet so very scared of losing even more. The Master can feel it, all that, and if it were his own feelings, not someone else’s, he would have screamed as well.

This is no redemption. Killing everyone save one is better than killing everyone but the Master is standing on the battlefield and marvels only about the traces his steps left in the ashes.




He fucks the Doctor hard, raw, watching the Time War again, the last moments, his favourite. He closes his own mind while invading the other’s, but the Doctor lets him in anyway, always lets him in, for being in hell with the Master watching is not as bad as being elsewhere, all alone.

It’s killing him and keeping him alive. It’s giving him something to hold on to while reminding him of all he lost. The Master is within and without him, too far away to even see but the one thing he can’t take his eyes off. Everything about them is a contradiction. The Master fucks the Doctor without touching him. Without getting close. Hurts him without caring, takes him without caring, loves him without caring.

Neither of them can let go.



He can feel Gallifrey go, an entire timeline wiped out, followed by an emptiness that doesn’t even echo. Nothing. Nothing. And he did it. The Master swallows that knowledge, makes it his own and feels the power, feels like God. For one moment. He hears the screams only through his own ears - the Doctor is lost, hearing only the end of everything, the silence.

The Master missed the opportunity to make all that truly his, can only watch. Yet he might get his chance. The Earth is his already and it isn’t Gallifrey but destroying it will destroy the Doctor, the one who claimed that act of ultimate power for himself, and so the power will be passed on to the Master and he can look down at that glorious destruction (both in his mind and on his bed) and say: Mine!


The screams are hoarse but don’t stop. They echo not only in this room but everywhere on the Valiant, in the freak’s cell, in the quarters of the servants. Just the audio of this movie, to give them something to think about without offering answers. The Master is deliberately noisy as he forcefully thrusts into the Doctor, since no-one but him can know that the other Time Lord barely even feels it.

It’s not the first time he does this and it will not be the last: De-aging the Doctor, taking him hard and brutally and with a smile. The chains are unnecessary but the Master likes the sight, likes what they tell. This is about ownership (but not just).

Soon all this will end. Conquer of the universe or death. There are two possible outcomes but only one result. Either way the Doctor will shatter and thus become his forever, with everything he is and all he has done. It’s a win/win situation.


The Master watches one last time and the Doctor breaks a little more. Then it is over and the Master retreats from the other’s mind, leaving the Doctor behind in the devastation he caused. He starts to pull out and stops.

The chains rattle as the Doctor clings to him, keeping him close. He weeps silently as he buries his face in the Master’s neck and whispers, over and over:

“Don’t leave me.” So scared and desperate, so very, very alone.

And the Master gently rubs his back and kisses his hair.

“Never,” he promises.

Inwardly he laughs.

November 14, 2007

medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, table: time war

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