Happy New Year!

Jan 02, 2013 20:10

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you slipped over into 2013 savely and with a lot of fun.

Me, I had a relaxed New Year's Eve, with just a little bit of drinking, watching an old man stumble over the head of a dead tiger as every year and losing to my father in Wii golf. Mostly, I recovered from Marathon Merlin Watching, since on Saturday I had a call with nightrider101 scheduled and we planned to discuss the finale. Unfortunately, on Friday night I was still an entire series behind.
Fortunately, series 5 was kind of good. And the ending kind of inspired me to pick up an abandoned fic of mine that has, strangely enough, become mostly canon.

But first I have an SPN fic to finish.

I wish you all much happiness for the next 12 months and beyond!

fandom: merlin, real life

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