Lots of unanswered questions left.
Will miss Ten.
Donna would have deserved a bigger part.
WTF, Rassilon?
I was partially right about the Time Lords being responsible for the Master's drums. Which is funny, because I only made that up for my fanfics and my personal DW canon to deal with the epic continuity fail.
Mickey/Martha = unexpected and awesome.
Jack/Alonzo = unexpected and cute.
Master/Doctor = Canon. And EPIC.
I don't mind Eleven. I wish him luck. I hope - and am sure - he will be awesome. But I would trade him in an instant for a whole season of Ten and Wilf traveling the universe and being generally awesome together.
EDIT: I forgot to mention: The Doctor being willing to sacrifice himself for the universe and unexpectedly surviving it only to sacrifice himself for a single old man a minute later was a better end for him than I had expected.
On an extra note: I incorporated the Eighth Doctor Novels into my personal canon. These episodes go along with my personal canon surprisingly well. (Also: The Doctor took out his own people at least three times now. Way to go, sweetheart! Most people only manage that once.