Apr 06, 2005 21:09
I feel my skin recoil and stretch like Oleander, fossilized in a sea of names
this is a museum--your entire life is a museum--
here is the berserk teenage love that bore you through dark ages
a rose in her teeth, smirking through glass
here is the sullen vulgarity of your life as a vegetable
this is you, fucking hysterical and useless, middle-aged, you
here is every promise that didn't come true
here are the lawsuits, here are the contagens of a fever that destroyed you
here is the smile you faked for thirty five years to foster a bullshit career
this is you, gone and going nowhere--
this is a museum--your entire life is a museum--
here are the wrinkles of your spite
here are your yellow teeth and here is your arrogant jaw and here are the secrets of your particular biology
you're the iceage people flash their cameras at
you're the endangered curiosity that future generations will scrutinize
these are the billboards of your life
this is a museum--your entire life is a museum--
All that time adding geography to your snuff collection
you should have been on a plane
you should have been flying like a bullet out of that backwater nothing
but you stayed because you were trapped and you would always be trapped
you stayed because of college and a round wife and obligations that couldn't soar--
you stayed because poverty made you numb--because your life was not your own
because nine digits would never come to you, fucking hysterical and middle-aged, you--
this is your life as a vegetable--
I feel my skin recoil and stretch like gilded latex, fossilized in a sea of names
this is a museum--my entire life is a museum--
here is the language of her lipstick, speaking honestly in tones that incinerate--
here is my broken heart--smirking through glass
here is the fatalistic brutality of my life as an invalid
this is me, fucking desperate and drunk, introverted, me
here is every status I will never achieve
here without God to alleviate grief
here is the beast I became at your feet
here is my blood and my body stripped bare
this is me, gone and going nowhere--
this is a museum--my entire life is a museum--
here are the wrinkles of my need
here are my shaking hands and here is my iron lung and here are the secrets of my particular fragility
I'm the sunrise people flash their cameras at
I'm the potential kamikaze of America
these are the billboards of my life
this is a museum--my entire life is a museum--
All that time running from invisible monsters
I should have been brave
I should have loved you as a person and not as a condition
but I didn't because I was an angry bastard and I will always be angry
I was angry because the world stopped listening
I was angry because exposure left me numb--because my life was not my own
because real emotion will never fall on me,
fucking desperate and drunk, introverted, me
this is my life as an invalid--
& These are the billboards of your life
just another washed up idealistic sad looking rodeo cowboy--