Ten Rules (Or Less) For Writing Fiction by various authors including Neil Gaiman, Phillip Pullman, Zadie Smith, Joyce Carol Oates, PD James etc., etc. I like how all of them were all, "WRITE, DIPSHIT. Don't just imagine being a writer, actually sit down and write." It's the hardest bit, really. Woe.
I haven't updated this thing in so long, it's a little pathetic. A lot of the friends I had here have stopped updating very often too- Real Life does that to people. Damn being an adult! So, if you have any recommendations as far as friending goes("You need such-and-such on your f-list LIKE YESTERDAY"), fire away. I need to get over myself and my apprehension of being a creep and just friend people, too.
I took my GRE today and I got a 1300, which is less than I wanted to score, really. Everyone's telling me it's quite respectable, but my GPA is utter shite, and now I worry that my GRE score isn't kick-arse enough to get me in where I want. Does anyone know all about this and/or is willing to soothe my fears? And buy me a unicorn while they're at it? Plsthx.
I really want to end this entry with "Hope all of you are doing well. Everyone's doing fine here. Please give my love to Uncle and Bunty. Lots of love, Sushmita", which means I'm way more exhausted than I thought I was, so I'll just stop here (without any love for Uncle or Bunty, hah).