monday i went to the study abroad office and they were still closed. someone who worked there informed me that their office is only open from 1-4 until the semester starts. they really should have their goddamn hours posted on their website. i was mega irritated. but on the walk home i took telegraph ave. instead of dana st, and i ran into pam! i had no idea she was back from spain. so we had breakfast and hung out a while. it was really cool to be around her again. didn't realize how much i've missed her haha.
and outside my building we saw this.
i thought it was a stick until it moved. i was like WOT?!
so yesterday we grabbed my old lady basket and we went to safeway for grocery tiem. that was awesome and i got pretty much everything i wanted [CHEERIES ZOMG]. plus i was out of string cheese which is never, ever cool.
later that day, we decided to make attempt two at mission: Hike Up To
The Big C. since our last
disasterously failed attempt, rofl, i found an lj community with the info i was looking for in it. so i stared at the maps for quite some time and figured the general route we would take, and we were on our way!
it is illegal to be homeless in berkeley
thanks to
mayor bate$$
there was apparently some sort of concert going on at the greek theatre
this hill was crazy steep! this photo does not show this very well.
i pointed the camera straight ahead.
pam isn't excited about this hill/
alright, let's do this.
every time i turned around, the view got more gorgeous.
my camera couldn't capture it, but we could see the foggy outlines of san francisco too and it was beautiful.
..fork in the road. we went left.
even prettier
random personhole to the side of the path...
wot? myspace photo!!
i took this to mean that we were going the right way. but then pam pointed out that there were red A's painted on the other trees.
pam was sad she forgot her camera.
me trying to capture the city from the top and FAILING.
not a conceited moment, but i look surprisingly good from the side. i am so obsessed with my new piercing lol.
and omg on the way to pam's place we saw the guy who's been chalking all over berkeley! it wasn't the guy i thought it was [the one who's always yelling on sproul about cell phones and ipods; i've seen him with chalk befor,e but never actually chalking. i just assumed it was him, but it's not.] it was this guy!
he was talking in what i can only describe as a crazy voice. really enthusiastic, but in this low creepy tone... i can't really describe it, but it made me uncomfortable and amused me all at once.
"stop driving people!"
we were scandalously tired after that trek, and she was already tired because she's still on spain time still. so we tried to think of something to do that wouldn't lead to us falling asleep. all i could think of was going to the marina [tracie likes bodies of water], because i've never fallen asleep on a public bus. so we headed to my house and called yuki up. she was down to go so we headed that way. hanging out with people was a lot of fun. i love the two of them. we laughed a lot and talked a lot and made fun of each other a lot. good tiems. =)
we found this utterly hilarious.
other things? uhm, tomorrow [for sure; i emailed the lady and everything] i'm going to the eap office and asking about london. fingers are crossed and all.
john got his first two tats the other day [no, i don't know why he got them the same day]. i drew the birds and liam drew the heart. he really likes them. =)
this is mostly a reminder.
because sometimes you remind me of a bird. like.. you can fly and the breeze will just carry you anywhere and you're not bothered about it.
but sometimes, you don't make me think of flying. you kinda remind me of a bird who's forgotten he has wings
looking at all the other birds above you and forgetting you're one of them.
that you're beautiful too and you can fly too.
i think i'll go write now. =)
love to the flist!