what up, flist?
on saturday i went into the city with the intention of going to golden gate park to write. i decided to take the bus [free because my tuition fees pay for my bus pass] over the bay bridge, instead of the train [some days i'm just not in the mood to be in a metal box in a small tube under thousands of feet of water]. it takes a bit longer, but not nearly as long as i'd thought it was. i actually kind of enjoyed it, and i maintain that the view when you're almost to the city is one of the best things ever. day time, night time, cloudy time, DOES NOT MATTER. it's gorgeous. but i was on the opposite side of the bus and couldn't get a good photo.
i got to the city and was trying to find 4th street when i noticed that it was raining. in like, one specific area. and there was not a cloud in the sky. i look up and see this.
which, for whatever reason, made me rofl. cue lil wayne's voice repeating "i make it rain, i make it rain on dem hoes" in my head for at least ten minutes. hilarious.
i love san francisco.
rude fucking ad.
these photos don't transcribe how fucking long it took me to get here, rofl, but yes. i made it to the golden gate bridge [and i've never been this close to it in the past year and a half, oddly]. i watched all these tourists swarming around and actually crossing the bridge and it occurs to me that i'd really like to do that. one day soontimes.
LOL i love how they mention the native people for about half a sentence and neglect to mention the way the "settlers" fucking massacred the native peoples of what is now the bay area. i love how they glaze over the fact that the white people forced the natives onto the small rock known as alcatraz, then eventually kicked them off that place too. oh white amerika. i love how you glaze over your fucked up past.
i went for a walk!
amused me
winding ass path i was walking down.
that shit was tilting the fuck over. i srsly thought it was going to fall.
very pretty, but these photos fail to show you how it was windy as fuck and i was being ASSAULTED by the sand. that shit was trynna kill me. it hurt sooo bad!
log i would have sat on to write, had i not been about to DIE of sand.
i was walking along and found this spot. sat, stared, thought about writing, then left after 45 minutes or so. it was mega windy.
after mega bus issues, i decided to just go ahead and take the train home, lol.
we're rationing water due to droughts.
this morning i headed back into the city to get this! i had to wait for over an hour since they were so crowded, but the people in the waiting room were mega chill. this guy was in the middle of a divorce, so he melted down his wedding ring and got his dick pierced with it! it was mega awesome. i met a Daddy named jessica and she was megacool too. my piercer, simon, was badass! very friendly, cute and funny, and australian! he was saying how making the conversions [metric to imperial] was so complicated, and the instructor, todd was like "the only conversions i make are straight boys to my side of the fence!" todd was cool as fuck too, was totally talking me down which i really appreciated. he had all these awesome body mods and he was saying how there were some people he wouldn't trust to pierce him.
other piercer: would you let me pierce you?
todd: i thought you already had... i gave you your chance! i told you you could pierce me with the beef needle, but you've got that wife...
at which point i almost pissed myself laughing. it was AWESOME. anyway, that shit fucking hurt!!! dear god, that hurt like fuck. no one told me it was going to hurt this much and at first i was angry. but in hindsight i'm glad i didn't know; i ttly would have backed out.
anyway, it was entirely worth it and it's just so gorgeous!
walking home, i felt like such a fuckin g! i'm very happy with it. ^_^
i went to jeannie's house and she took me and jen to the city for a little gathering with older femsexies. hearing old femsex stories was awesome! but the main reason for the gathering was so that nora and mel could tell us about
wanderlust. biking across the country? fucking insane. jeannie said mel was trying to recruit me to go next year and my immediate thoughts were about snakes, spiders, and tornados. it would be such an amazingly good opportunity though. i think my technological dependence is a bit sick and that it could do me some serious good to learn about myself and the rest of this country i live in. i don't know. i'm considering it.
being around all of those beautiful womyn had me really thinking about myself and my life and what i value. just a lot of thoughts bouncing around i suppose.
tomorrow is the day i register for my fall classes. it is also the day i go to the eap office to see if i can be eligible to study in london next year. i would put some self-depreciating thing here about how i fail so hard and the lady in the office might actually laugh at me for even trying. but i wouldn't be fooling you, would i? i'm wishinghopingpraying that i will be able to, and i'll be absolutely crushed if i can't. you knew that already though, didn't you?
i need to get my shit in gear for femsex for sure. classes start in less than a month! fuck me!
hope you're all well, flist. ♥