Jan 24, 2008 01:02
Mina asks:
- are you registered to vote?
Yes, but in Long Beach, not Berkeley. >.>
- what non-American political issue stirs you the most?
To be honest, I don’t pay much attention to politics. I know that I should, but I’m so lazy and politics always remind me of how fucked up the world is; it’s depressing.
- what best describes your (spiritual) beliefs? (yes, that annoying question...)
I’m actually not entirely sure. I don’t think I actually believe in God, but I’m so hesitant to say it because, what if I’m wrong?? But any God I would believe in would not be against masturbation or homosexuality, or any of that shit, because if we weren’t supposed to be this way, why are was naturally inclined to be so?
- do you have a secret that people would be shocked to learn?
a few, yes. like the fact that I still struggle with my blackness, or what sort of porn I enjoy.
- what is your most prized possession?
My mind. If I were to lose everything, I would want to keep my imaginative and random mind.
- if you could cure any disease, which one would it be?
HIV/AIDS, without doubt. It’s such a non-discriminatory disease. It doesn’t matter how rich you are, because you’re still gonna die from AIDS.
- if you could rid the world of cancer, pollution/global warming or famine, which one would you pick, and why?
Famine. Cancer fucking blows, of course, but some people live decades with cancer. You don’t survive famine for nearly as long. And the world will end at one point or another, I’d rather give the people who are already here a better chance of surviving than worry about that. [although I’m still rather green in many facets of life]
- tell me something about yourself that I don't know.
When I get myself analyzing my life, and reality, I can’t go back to writing fic for at least a few days. Hence why I’ve been writing in my journal and staring at my fics for the past 11 days.
- if you could travel to five countries for free, which would you pick?
South Afrika, a country in West Afrika, Japan!, Spain!, and England. [a large part of me resents the fact that two of those are European countries, but I’ll live.]
- if you could learn three languages, which would you choose to learn?
American Sign Language! I love signing so much. I would love to learn Japanese, and the language of my ancestors, if only I knew what that was.
- what do you carry with you at all times?
My phone and my keys. Oh and the necklace and bracelets I never take off. I feel naked without them.
- what's your dream job?
I would seriously love to spend my life writing novels, painting, making music, and doing motivational speaking. And cooking. And spending time with my loved ones. And raising my own unconventional army to fight the system in the ways that suit them best.
- what traits do you hate in a person?
The inability to listen to a point of view different to their own, the uncontrollable need to tell ridiculous lies for no reason, the need to make others feel inferior.
- do you know how to cook?
Yep. =)
- why (not when) did you last cry?
I really don’t recall. Maybe it was about my dad and the drinking thing… because I just don’t think it’s enough that he wants to quit now. I understand that he’s trying and I commend him for that, but what does it mean that he now has a good enough reason to quit? Was his deteriorating marriage with my mom not a good enough reason to set down the bottle and try to work things out? Was treating me like shit and making me hate him for the past 4 years not a good enough reason? It’s not e-fucking-nough that he wants to apologize for his shortcomings now, as opposed to just stopping. Stop fucking me over every chance he gets, stop treating me like I’m less than human, like I’m property. [/rant]
^ this answer was written the day you asked. since then,
the breakup with brittany was srsly tough for me.
- do you have many nicknames?
Not many, no. some people call me Trace [the i makes it too many syllables lol], Lorraine calls me T, and my family sometimes calls me Boom or The Boot. Oh and my sister and her friends call me Tracer, or Tracer Eraser.
- what are five things you'd like to accomplish in life?
Finding my true calling, inspiring people to fight what they’ve been taught, writing one whole novel at least, enjoying what I have, travel!
- what is your least favourite food?
Well I’m not too fond of meat, lmao. And I dunno about food, but my least favorite condiment is mustard. That shit is gross.
- do you believe in love at first sight?
I think so, in a way. Just a feeling you get, not necessarily love, but this strong attraction, this strong reaction to the other person, that only gets stronger when next you meet.
- if you could travel into the past, where would you go?
I would learn about my ancestors. =)
- if you had to change lives with a friend for a day, who'd you pick and why?
Hm, this one’s hard. Probably anyone who gets massive amounts of snow, so I could experience that for a day.
- what is the furthest you've ever travelled?
Detroit, Michigan, for a family reunion 8 years ago. And we drove for like an hour into Canada, so we could see the historical “End of the Underground Railroad.”
- what are three current trends you don't understand?
Rich people spending massive amounts of money to dress just like the rest of us. People who buy intentionally ripped jeans. I still don’t get the Ugg Boot thing.
- when did you stop believing in Santa?
When I learned how big the world was. Srsly. No way.
- what kind of super power do you wish you had?
Teleportation! Dude, you have no idea how cool it would be to automatically appear outside your house right now. Then zap over to Long Beach to kiss Louis. And then to LA to uhm… see… Brittany. Fuck you, airfare! Fuck you, Greyhound!
- is there anything that scares you even though you know there's no reason to be afraid?
Flashing lights. Like, the power went out a few months ago, and my lamp went out, came back on, and then went off again. My heater was beeping, my lap top screen dimmed… it freaked me the hell out.
- what are your pet peeves?
I don’t like it when people sit with their mouths open. Like, they’re not talking, or surprised, or anything. Mouth just agape. Very annoying.
There are a lot of porn pet peeves I have, but one of the biggest ones is spitting. Dear God, don’t spit on her cunt! That’s fucking disgusting!
I’m not fond of people who carry their pets in their purses.
I hate it when people I don’t know walk too close to me, or when people ride their skateboards [---] that fucking close to me. I want to throw things!
I hate that people on bikes think they don’t have to stop at stop signs.
I hate it when people think that just because I’m vegetarian that it’s my life mission to change them.
I hate it when people say nigga. Hate it. I’m a hypocrite, but it srsly grates at me, especially when some white person thinks that they dress and act “black” enough to be “excused.”
I hate hierarchies of sexuality.
I hate it when my roommate puts my bread in the refrigerator.
- who is your favourite political/historical figure of all time?
i really don’t know. People tend to srsly disappoint me whenever I name them favorite.
- am I annoying you yet?
Nope. ^_^
Red asks:
- Do you want to have kids someday? When and how many?
Physically, I don’t plan on having kids. Adoption, I’m definitely considering. One or two is plenty, but that also depends on who [if anyone] I’m raising them with, and our financial situation. Because I could honestly see myself with four or five kids, if I have more than one partner and we’re financially stable enough. But this definitely won’t come along for at least another 10 years.
- Would you rather have a shitty job that paid a lot or a great job that paid shit?
Great job that pays shit, no contest.
- Any favorites for the upcoming U.S. election?
Not really. I feel bad that I don’t.
- What's one thing that makes you different from others?
I’m not entirely sure. My spirit??
- What's the best thing about college? The worst?
the best thing is the freedom, the reinvention of yourself, the rehabilitation of the “anything is possible” ideals. The worst thing is that college is not like the rest of the world, and as soon as you get used to college, it’s over.
in other news, darbrielle and i are going on a road trip this summer. =o