May 14, 2004 09:12
You know its not going to go well when you go into your independent study advisor's office hours and say "Hi I wanted to talk with you about my independent study." and he says, "did you register for an independent study?"
It only got better.
me - "Yes, i'm registered."
he - "for next semester?"
me - "no this one. My internship ended last week."
he - "oh. who's grading you?"
me - "umm, I thought you were." (note: I'm *sure* he is, i just don't want scare him.)
he(clearly unconvinced) - "well, that's interesting. lets see if I have a grading form for you" (he searches through papers on his desk) "well, it seems I *do* have your grading form. all right then."
me - "so I was wondering when i need to hand the paper into you by."
he - "well, if you file for an incomplete you can hand it in in the fall."
me (startled) - "what if I don't file and incomplete form"
he (stares at me completely baffled)
It continued on from there. We talked about my project. I asked him for some advice on where to go for some background research and he says, "I'm not much of a computer man (guestures toward his MANUAL TYPEWRITER) but i bet you could find somethign on the computer." Thanks elmer, I hadn't thought to check the mystical information box. I bet it will tell me something.
He really was trying to be nice and helpful. We had only met 2 other times during the semester to talk about this at all, and he's an old man (he worked for the EISENHOWER administration before he came to Brown) so he's lible to forget things. We would have met more often, but he doesn't know how to use email or voicemail and I was working (in an internship for this independent study) during his office hours.
I think he just assumed that I did my internship but hadn't thought at all about the paper I needed to do to recieve a grade. And he was trying to be nice, offereing me an incomplete. But it freaked me out.
He did convince (cooerce? force?) me to sign the incomplete form, but I got him to promise that he wouldn't give it to the registrar unless I failed to hand in my paper by the end of next week. So, I'm GOING to finish it by the end of next week.
Anyway, back to paper writing.