Новое образование

Nov 25, 2024 10:57

"You've probably heard the word 'coaching' quite a lot in recent years.
Intrigued by the growing interest in coaching, sociologist Nicolas Marquis at Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles decided to investigate the phenomenon. In the EUFunded project Coaching Rituals, his team analysed how coaching works in different areas of society, such as mental health, education and parenting.
The researchers define 'coaching' as a social practice in which one person or group of people offers support, guidance or training to empower another person or group of people. However, unlike more traditional models of education, the central idea of coaching is that each person must act to achieve their own goals. Thus the idea that relationships should be symmetrical rather than hierarchical is at the heart of the coaching culture.
The team also points out that this growth in coaching is characteristic of liberal-individualist societies, where intervening in people's behaviour can be seen as problematic. This changes our understanding of the roles of teachers, parents and carers and also explains why coaching practices are increasingly popular."
via: www.facebook.com/EuropeanResearchCouncil/posts/pfbid0enYnUBZyfMwxeFuxbKwf17hZrE3hS17iZ8M2vWZLhbQu2CaXhcibPntPzoRPu2K3l

проект: Coaching as a social ritual: acting on people in a liberal-individualistic society (parenting, education, mental health care) https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/850754

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