Classmate Stress

Oct 10, 2006 19:11

Ok, show of imaginary internet hands: How many people have to hear people complain about teachers that are completely baseless?

So there's this one girl in my Chemistry class, and two days in a row she was putting stickers all over her arms and on the people around her, and my teacher got mad, and she just doesn't freaking stop! Today she was writing notes to the girl next to her, but she was just reaching over and writing right in the other girl's notebook! How stupid can you get? This isn't rocket science, people! Don't do these things in class, and, if you must do them, do it so that you aren't noticed by anyone that isn't declared legally blind! (Sometimes even the BLIND PEOPLE WOULD NOTICE. THAT IS HOW BAD THESE GIRLS ARE.)

Like, me, for instance, if I'm going to write a note to someone next to me, I write it on the corner of my page, nudge the person next to me, and they read it off my page. When they're done, I scratch it out. If I want to write, like, a long note to someone, it takes me a long time to do it. I put the paper under my book and work on it slowly. I don't break out the gel pens, do intricate folding designs that require my full attention,  and stop taking notes completely, and I look up every once in a while. Then, get this I wait until the teacher turns their back and THEN give the person the note subtlely. And you know what? The result is the same.

For clarification, I do go to a small school, and yes, I am a low-level kiss-ass to teachers. So I don't goof off a lot. But when I do, I leave my pink neon "I'M MISBEHAVING" forehead-sign at home and you know what? I don't get yelled at and teachers actually like me. And, somehow, by paying attention more, I get better grades than sticker-girl. Imagine that.

End rant.


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