I like my haircutter's theory on why I'm alone: They're all intimidated by your beauty.
I laughed. So did he.
*Read the newspaper? normally just the front page
*Pray? on occasion
*Go to church? never have
*Sleep with stuffed animals? i have my lovely pillow
*Take walks in the rain? whenever possible
*Talk to people even though you hate them? I have
*Like your voice? on the rare chance that I've heard my own voice, I wasn't a fan
*Hurt yourself? not intentionally, but I've done things knowing damn well that I will get hurt..yet I do them anyway
*Been out of the country? yes
*Eaten something that made other people sick? ketchup on toast. mmmm.
*Been unfaithful? nope. i mean, I've been in SO many relationships and all...it's hard.
*Had a medical emergency? no
*Had a surgery? no
*Played strip poker? no, but I've always wanted to play strip Jenga
*Gotten beaten up? my sister and I quarrel
*Beaten someone up? see above
*Been picked on? who hasn't?
*Been on stage? yeah
*Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? Oh yeah, remembering all of those dates are hard...nevermind when I'm drunk.
*Slept outdoors? many a time
*Thought about suicide? not in the way of commiting it
*Pulled an all-nighter? yes indeed
*If yes, what is your record? all night?
*Gone one day without food? is that possible for me? no.
*Talked on the phone all night? yup
*Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex: yup
*Slept all day? seeing as my record for sleeping late is 10:20am...I'd have to say no
*Made out with a stranger? no
*Had sex with a stranger? no
*Thought you're going crazy? every day of my life
*Done anything sexual with the same sex? nope
*Been betrayed? i've been let down
*Had a dream that came true? doubtful
*Have you ever killed an animal by accident? *sigh* yes.
*On purpose? yes, of course. I enjoyed hitting the innocent deer
*Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? nope
*Been on radio/tv? ohh i was interviewed on 96.7 before the last Gavin concert
*Been in a mosh-pit? those ryan cabrera fans can get quite fiesty
*Had a nervous breakdown? yeah
*Been criticized about your sexual performance? not that I know of
*Had a dream that kept coming back? unfortunately
CLOTHES and other fashion
*Shoe brand? anything
*Brand of clothing? american eagle
*Cologne/perfume? ralph
*What are you normally wearing to school/work? pants and a shirt
*How about parties? same...?
*Wear hats? only when its snowing. so no.
*Judge other people by their clothing? its happened.
*Wear make-up? yes
*Favorite place to shop? pottery barn.
*Favorite article of clothing? the RWU sweatshirt that will be here any day.
*Are you trendy? haha doubtful
*Would you rather wear a uniform to school? been there done that, and no.
*Believe in life on other planets? sure do
*Miracles? depends on the degree
*Astrology? sure why not
*Magic? more or less
*God? unsure
*Satan? no
*Santa? UMMM santa was at work, I sat in his lap. what's not to believe?
*Ghosts? god yes
*Luck? Yes
*Love at first sight? infatuation, not love
*Yin and Yang (that good can't exist without the bad)? pretty much
*Witches? hmmm
*Easter bunny? haha no
*Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? I do indeed
*Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? wouldn't that be nice?
*Do you wish on stars? I have. it doesn't work.
*Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? I haven't really thought about it
*Do you think God has a gender? one again, haven't really thought about it
*Do you think that science counteracts religion? Both have their flaws and both have their theories
*Where do you think we go when we die? couldn't say.
*Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Yes
*Who is your best friend? you
*Who's the one person that knows most about you? ohh you all know way too much about me
*What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? "you're better than that." but it was tied today when my haircutter informed me that its "not that boys aren't interested in you, they're intimidated by your beauty."
*Your favourite inside joke? It's my paarty and I'll cryyyyy if I want to cryyyy if I want to...
*Thing you're picked on most about? oh i dont even know
LOVE, and all that
*Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? should I have?
*Do you consider love a mistake? its only a mistake if you turn it into one
*What do you find romantic? a person who's truly interested
*Turn-on? could be anything. someone actually paying attention to a conversation you're having with them, someone who legitimately cares and remembers everything you say, someone putting their arm around you. anything.
*Turn-off? someone who thinks everyhting should be on their terms.
*If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? "why me, and why YOU?"
*Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"? depends on the situation. but at this point in my desperate lonely life, I'd take either.
*Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? i dont care if it's acceptable or not, I fear rejection!
*Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? more or less, yeah. but i think over time that person gains physical attractive-ness in your eyes
*Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? well clearly that's why I'm alone.
*What is best about the opposite sex? the way their arm fits perfectly around a girls shoulder.
*What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? that they don't even realize what they're doing.
*What's the last present a boyfriend/girlfriend gave you? i don't even know
*Are you in love? no
*Do you consider your significant other hot? Wait until I have one..then we'll answer the question
*What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk? I'd look at madison, we'd get certain look on our faces, know instantly that we both noticed this attractive male, and we'd continue to stare and and probably follow him. *not taking pictures along the way...*
*What is your fave possession? my car.
*What physical, tangible possession do you want most? is complete happiness tangible?
*How badly do you want it? I'd give a lot for it
*Have you ever seen The Exorcist? yes
*How long did it take for you to understand why the last question is in this section? obviously a long time, it hasn't happened it
*That haunted you? should i bother to answer this?
*You wanted to kill? I'm hoping no one
*That you laughed at? a girl who tripped down the stairs at school today. serves her right for wearing those ugly shoes.
*That laughed at you? probably madison
*You went shopping with? it's been a while
*To disappoint you? no comment
*To ask you out? movie with erik
*To make you cry? brought on by myself, due to other people's certain ways.
*To brighten up your day? the lady trying to direct traffic while leaving cornerstone today. she almost got hit. taylor and i laughed.
*That you thought about? lets not go there.
*You saw a movie with? erik
*You talked to on the phone? my mom
*You talked to through IM/ICQ? umm...madison i think
*You saw? taylor
*You lost? probably one i saw today
*You thought was completely N-U-T-S? everyone
*You wanted to be? im relatively content
*You trusted? i trust too many people
*You turned down? hahah. shhh.
*Smiled? bout an hour ago
*Laughed? while driving with taylor
*Cried? ohh probably a few days ago.
*Bought something? i bought a mountain dew at subway today
*Danced? last time music was on
*Were sarcastic? hahah
*Talked to an ex? today
*Watched your fave movie? ohh its been a few weeks
*Had a nightmare? nightmare, i dont remember...but last night I had one of those dreams where it involves someone you never really think about, but in this dream that person is so amazing to you. you wake up, and start to think it maybe could be reality. you begin thinking about them differently, and seeing them with more potential. i hate those dreams.
*Talked on the phone? hour ago
*Listened to the radio? today
*Watched TV? this morning
*Went out? many times today
*Helped someone? hmmm hopefully today
*Were mean? probably a little while ago
*Sang? today
*Saw a movie? saturday night
*Said "I love you"? yesterday
*Missed someone? current
*Fought with a family member? its been a few days
*Fought with a friend? haven't in a while
*Had a serious conversation? yesterday
*Smoked weed? never have
*Got drunk? work christmas party.
A LAST TIME for everything...
*Last song you heard: You Oughta Know - Alanis Morrisette. Yes for angry female singers. "every time i scratch my nails down someone elses back i hope you FEEL it!"
*Last thing you had to drink: mountain dew
*Last time you showered: this morning at 6
*Last thing you ate: sandwhich with soy turkey.
*Last CD you bought: Dave Barnes
*Last thing you bought: a pocket knife for taylor because SOMEONE was too afraid to go into cornerstone and buy it herself
* What are you wearing right now? pants and UNH sweatshirt
*What are you worried about right now? failing finals
*What book are you reading right now? just finished Life of Pi
*Are you bored? not really
*Are you tired? calm, not tired
*Are you talking to anyone online? nope
*Are you talking to anyone on the phone? no
*Are you lonely or content? lonely
*Are you listening to music? yes