Jan 12, 2009 11:56
The vet called to check on Sunny, which I thought was nice. She's getting us more prednisone, which is also nice. I'll go pick it up in a bit, since we've now gone from that being a bad thing for her to take to that being the only thing that seems to work well. I tried switching back to the NSAID today, and Sunny is whining a bit. (Yes, for those who know, this is with an antacid and a lengthy buffer time.) The distraction of a peanut-butter-filled kong toy does seem to have helped, and the fact that she still likes peanut-butter-filled toys makes me feel as though things are not yet hopeless. Quite.
To do, then:
Pay bills
Pick up prednisone
Write giant story and another tale in the Ichabod set
Why that last? I sent off the Bat and Blitz story to a reasonably selective market and was rejected -- too much introductory material at the beginning, go figure -- with the "But please send us another from that set, since you say you have some." I do indeed. Every last one of them that's finished and within the 1-6K word limit is on another editor's desk. Time to get to work! At least they do like my style, and I should probably ask if they'd take that one if it were re-edited, too. There's also a plotbunny from the same time period lolloping about and hoping for carrots. I have Children of the Blitz sitting on my desk for quick reference and pictures. They'd probably rather have a less gloomy story than this will turn out to be, but this is the one sniffing about. If something else is rejected somewhere else before this is finished, of course, I'll just bounce it on over to the new audience.
Heck, I'm amazed at how little time it took to get that rejection. Don't editors usually let you languish in the slush pile for a while before they say no? I think it's time for a new LJ tag, since this is getting to be a common subject.
*yawn* How can I be yawning this hard after two cups of coffee?
rejection letters,