kink bingo recs set!

May 30, 2012 20:15

kink_bingo amnesty, filling the December mini-challenge, seven recs. My card is here.

podfic of Test by
isagel, read by
Inception, Arthur/Saito
The test is in coming back.

Here are some reasons you should listen to this podfic:
1. It takes a good, hot story and stirs in a whole bunch of extra tension and sexiness from
anatsuno's performance; and
2. It's like ten minutes long, so you have time, come on.

The best part, for me, of
anatsuno's reading of this is that it's very precise. I read fast, and kind of lazily sometimes, but listening to it I hear. every. word. And this story is so spare (in a good way) to begin with, hearing it instead of reading it enhances it for me. Anyway, it's great, and quick, so even if you are not usually a podfic listener, I encourage you to give it a try.


writing on the body
Surface by
Hockey RPF, Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews
The last thing Johnny writes is a word in the dip of Patrick’s lower back, the most basic, instinctive thing between them; the thing Patrick needs the weight of the most: mine.

This is the first story I knew I wanted to rec for this set. I like how there are so many layers to it - it's a snapshot of their relationship that still manages to give a sense of all their history and problems and their personalities. Also, the part where Patrick wears Johnny's jersey is indelibly imprinted on my brain. (I feel like reccing this under "uniforms" would also be legit, seriously.) So anyway. If I had to hand someone one fic to express my Tazer/Kaner headcanon, this might be it. It's definitely on the shortlist.


painplay (other)
skip to the practical part by
Hockey RPF, Andrew Shaw/Patrick Kane
In which Kaner figures out - somehow - that Andrew's into pain. In a good way, of course.

I love this fic because 1) SHAWSY, my favorite rookie, 2) incredibly hot painplay (and breathplay), and 3) it's a nice change from the usual Tazer/Kaner dynamic/fanon/whatever where Kaner is the sub in their D/s relationship. Which, like, obviously I am on board with (see the rec right above this one, for example), but I like this Kaner a lot too.

a lieutenant colonel is being beaten by
Stargate: Atlantis, John Sheppard/getting hit
John Sheppard really does spend a lot of time on his knees.

So I guess this is maybe a strange choice here, but I read this vid as John Sheppard kinda liking getting beat up. The lyrics are all about wanting to be your dog, and, yeah, his doppelganger fantasy is about beating himself up, you guys! Also, please note the section with the control chair, because it's related to another thing I'm about to rec.


podfic of Skin Deep by
starlingthefool, read by
Inception, Arthur/Eames
A story that starts with a spiral, ends with a fire, and is stained with ink and blood in the middle.

At first, I looked at this line on my card, and was like, where will I ~ever~ find a tattoo fic? Then I remembered, oh right, INCEPTION FANDOM. This is the tattoo shop AU that I am sure everyone and their BFF has read by now, but just in case: it's awesome and you should read it too! Sort of unusually for Inception, this is about Arthur getting tattoos, not Eames.

My rec here is, again, for
anatsuno's excellent podfic. There are two things I especially adore about this podfic: one, the way anat says Arthur's name (...what. I'm serious) and two, Ariadne yelling at Eames on the phone. It is great.

Warrior-Pack by lalejandra
Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/Sheppard/McKay/Teyla
"When someone has been a warrior as long as Ronon has, he is entitled to his last rite of boyhood to mark that he has become a man," said Teyla.

Satedan ritual involving group sex and tattoos! This is why I love SGA fic, this right here. I like the team-ness, how they all come together (oh god, I didn't mean to make that pun, but I'm gonna let it stand) to support Ronon. &team;


fucking machines
Control Chair by
Stargate: Atlantis, John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
content note for explicit noncon fantasty
John and Rodney talk about a fucking control chair.

This fic takes that slightly-shocked face John Sheppard makes when he sits in the Ancient control chair (see, I told you that vid was there for a reason!) to its logical conclusion. There are a lot of details I really like in this story: John's scale for how comfortable he is with being touched and Rodney's readily-available pseudo-science explanations for how to vanish John's pants especially. Also, the dirty talk is seriously hot. Seriously.

This entry was originally posted at

recs, kinkbingo, inception, hockeyrpf, sga

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