When Work Isn't Work - Doing What You Want

Jul 12, 2012 21:45

Have been rather down because of the seemingly endless stream of work and... well, not much else really.
Sure, I do write the odd fic every now and then but the constant stress of work is not conductive to creativity.
Driving a lot longer to and from work, doing more repetitive instead of creative work. Definitely not good for the "vibes".

I keep trying to nurture what little writing talent I posses.
Like a plant, I have to feed it, tend to it with the home it might one day yield fruit.
My poor writing tree might as well be covered in aphids and going thirsty considering how little time I have for it now.

Came across this interesting essay. A definite eye opener, it has made me reconsider some things I thought were definite truths.


Do I enjoy my work?
Yes and no. Its creative at times, but more repetitive than creative.
No one seems to understand there is a process to creating a logo or an advert. Everyone wants everything NAO or worse, what irritates me the most, when they say "you know, my daughter/son/auntie Sue does this and that. Cant you do the same?" or send hopeless files and expect photo quality.
If your daughter/son/auntie Sue can do so much then please, by all means, get them to do it, then send me the finished work so I can set it in order and bypass the irritation. It'll be a win win.

Well, these irritants I've learnt to deal with, but not the fact people don't seem to understand there are fees for my work.
I don't set the fees, the company sets the fees. Its like buying a sandwich, if you want one you have to pay. Just because my work isn't edible or physically tangible (unless its packaging) doesn't mean its free. I create it so you, the client, can make more money by improving or expanding your image.

Oh well, enough ranting from me. Its petty.


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