2 months to go....

Feb 12, 2008 12:31

I can't even believe that there is only 2 months till Darin and I get married. It seems just like yesterday that I was starting to book various vendors. Our shower is in 5 days, which is just really strange in itself. I'm trying really hard not to look at my registry, though I think on Friday I will take a peek and make sure there are enough items on there or maybe take some silly items that were on there for being on there. My Mom has been such a huge help its not even funny. She is almost like my personal secretary when it comes to this wedding and shower! If there is something that needs to be looked at or bought, she's out the next day finding it and buying it. All my RSVP's are going to the house, so she's got a pattern down as to how she's keeping track of them (though I did tell her how to do it). She's calling herself Momzilla, as a joke because she's so on top of everything. I know her and my dad want everything to go perfect for everything. I should play the lottery today, it's up to 150 million. I would be totally set if we won it!

I had my dress fitting on Sunday. After all said and done, I only had to pay $68 for my alterations! The shoulders were too big so she is taking them in, and she's letting the sides out just a 1/2 an inch on each side. I really need to watch what I eat the next few weeks! My next fitting is on March 2nd. If it fits just right, I plan on having them do whatever the final touches are, and take it home the next day after work. That dress is not sitting at that place. I want it at my Moms!

My headpiece was in, so I was able to take that home with me. My veil was still not in, so I'm waiting to hear from them on when that will be in. I need to contact the woman I'm having make my jewlery and have her start making something up for me. I believe my Mom is also going to have her make her jewlery as well.

Today or tomorrow I need to contact my pastor to set up a meeting with him to go over everything. I also need to contact my girl who does my hair, to 1. make a hair cut appointment and 2. set up a date to do my hair trial. I also need to start ordering my gifts for my BM's. So much to do, and the time is starting to pass!

Oh, and in other news, I have an interview for one of the positions I applied for here at work tomorrow at 3:45pm. So, think of me tomorrow afternoon, and pray! I'm not sure if this position I truely want, but I'm going for it anyway! Better to try and not get it, then not try at all!

Happy Tuesday everyone!
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