Apr 14, 2012 03:15
Day 2 felt a bit harder. It took me a bit longer to get out of bed today and I felt a little groggy again but I did some stretches and stuff and I stood infront of the window for a few minutes because it was sunny and I think that helped. When I started making breakfast, I was feeling more awake. I did find myself looking forward to my afternoon nap a little more today and I felt myself dip a little at around 11am but a cup of tea and finding something to do really helped with that. I picked up a fair bit after lunch though which was cool.
Despite looking forward to nap time in the afternoon, I had trouble getting to sleep (perharps because there was still daylight leaking through the gaps in the curtains) so I read for a while and then ended up sleeping for about 40 minutes. I felt quite refreshed afterwards even though it wasn't for the full 1.5hrs
I think I am adapting quite quickly though. My body is content to get tired at around 3am so I generally make bedtime preparations around then. That gives me about 45mins to read and relax and by the time 4am arrives, I am falling asleep without too much difficultly. So far, so good. This is also interesting because even before I tried this experiement, my brain/body seemed to like 3/4am falling asleep times anyway and has done for quite a few years.
I am so far liking this sleeping pattern. I know it's early days but it allows me to do daytime things and waking up at a sensible time but also allows my night owl tendencies to continue on as they want to. I am also hoping that this pattern won't be knocked out as easily as a mono pattern is for me. The longest I can seem to keep one up is about 2 weeks and then it just moves back around again and then I feel like shit again.
sleep experiment,
biphasic sleep