Jul 20, 2006 02:45
HeLL RaZeR247: man u gotta meet my one friend
HeLL RaZeR247: u might like him
HeLL RaZeR247: and hes like a full time arguer
HeLL RaZeR247: like urself
myxa speed x: FULL TIME ARGUER
myxa speed x: Oh my god, that is my future career
myxa speed x: I will have a degree in full time arguing!
HeLL RaZeR247: u gotta bust it
HeLL RaZeR247: show em all whose boss
myxa speed x: Dude I have never heard a more appropriate titling for myself
myxa speed x: Much love
HeLL RaZeR247: yaaa im good
HeLL RaZeR247: see im a labeler
HeLL RaZeR247: but i would have to say merely part time
HeLL RaZeR247: enlightening huh
myxa speed x: Part time my ass
myxa speed x: OVERTIME ARGUER
HeLL RaZeR247: haha yaaa
HeLL RaZeR247: u never stop
HeLL RaZeR247: fuckin go getter
HeLL RaZeR247: always striving to be employee of the month
HeLL RaZeR247: thats where u've won a record amount of arguments in which u were completely wrong in.
ALEX IS COOL AGAIN! Morgan, bust out the MM jar.