Accent on blog-rolling.

Nov 02, 2006 09:11

Yes, yes, it's meme time -- again.

Spotted on mycroftca, agentelrond, and sonoffletch.

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Inland North

You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."
The Midland

The Northeast


The South

The West


North Central

What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

And yes, I do call carbonated soft drinks "pop," if I call them anything at all: I usually don't drink them. But that makes me wonder: does no one outside of the Upper Midwest or Great Lakes regions grow up with the "Monkey, monkey, bottle of pop" count-out rhyme? They even say it in French! (OK, apparently in Quebec, not in France -- Quebec apparently has the same relationship to France that Mexico does to Spain, i.e., the New World territory is viewed with barely tolerant disdain by its former Old World colonial master -- but, still: Francophones tend to be très snobbish about their language, and for them to adopt an English word is a pretty big concession by their langage flics, n'est-ce pas?)

language, memes

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