I don't usually do this, but a friend of mine made this quiz. And I have just enough of a friendcrush on him to jump on his bandwagon...
...that didn't come out right. ; D
I think it turned out pretty accurate! Go try it
www.helloquizzy.com/tests/what-kind-of-80s-metal-are-you And be sure to rate it high! If you really like playing these fun games take his competition's quiz and rate it low!
http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/the-ultimate-sixteen-candles-quiz For the record, I scored 100% on this one. I admit, I'm a sucker for the cheezy 80s movies w/ Molly!
Your result for What Kind of 80s Metal Are You?...
Pop Metal
46% RAWK, 55% HAIR, 22% INTENSITY, 38% Wholesomeness and 11% EVIL!
All the fun, all the hair, half the calories, you are “Pop Metal”. While you definitely like to have a good time, and sometimes get a little bit naughty, as a music form you are mostly harmless. Instead of breakneck drumming and ugly distorted guitars, you prefer easily singable melodies with lots of emphasis on tongue-in-cheek lyrics and lookin good. In the end, it’s about having a good time and partying backstage! (oh, and the music).
Bands include:
Bon Jovi
Def Leppard
Take What Kind of 80s Metal Are You? at