May 15, 2010 13:15
I have been having downright conversations with Penelope. It's so cool.
Granted, they mostly consist of me asking pointed questions and her saying 'yes' or 'no,' but sometimes there's quite a bit of baby babble thrown in for good measure. She's so cute when she says 'yes,' she really hits the 's' and gives a big nod of her head.
For a couple months now, we've been having signing conversations (I speak the words as well). Her signing has dropped off somewhat, in general, as she's able to say more words, which was expected. And I find myself using it less, despite my good intentions, since the absolute need isn't there. The signing has still come very in handy when I can't quite understand her pronunciation of a word, though. Sometimes it's really hard to distinguish between babble/ language play, and an attempt at a word.
Good firsts:
Has taken several rides on a merry-go-round, with varying levels of success. The first time, at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida, the joint up-and-down and circular motion was too much and she got scared. The next two times (at Happy Hollow Park and Zoo in San Jose, CA) we managed to get stationary animals and she actually liked it.
Seems to recognize a couple letters and numbers: Y, B, 1, 2, and when I say 'uno' in a "counting voice," she will say 'dos.'
Sometimes will sing along with me when I'm rocking her, and she likes to sing a few tones and have me copy her. We are used to doing this from our music together classes.
She is using more English, but responds to requests in both languages.
Loves pretending to drink the bathwater and giggling when we say 'yuck.' This, apparently, is high comedy.
Shared her toy when I pointed out that a little boy was sad because he wanted it, and asked if she wanted to share. I was so proud.
Bad firsts:
She was bit the other day at daycare. Didn't break the skin, but left a mark. Grrrr.
She seems to be afraid of loud noises, especially the garbage truck. Points out noises everywhere.
Is currently getting four teeth (incisors, I think) at once, poor thing. Which has made me lean on the binky a little more than is good. We'll have to deal with that at some point, probably after the teeth are in.
In summary, I've always said that I was more of a 'baby' person, but, I must say, I am surprising myself with how much I am loving the toddler stage. It's just so much fun to be able to interact in a meaningful way with her. She looks at me with such concentration when I'm talking to her that I can imagine the synapses firing as she tries to make sense of what I'm saying.
She literally surprises me almost every day with something new she can do-- I wish I had the opportunity to always stop and blog about them, but alas, we'll just have to make do with these periodic catchups. Same thing with pictures, by the way. I promise y'all we're taking bunches, it's just hard to find the quiet time to go through the several steps of posting them. Perhaps I'll go give it a try right now, since she's napping. Wish me luck...
pj 2010