It was hot and humid as to be expected. It didn't bother me overall, though - actually my relatives who live there complained more than those of us from the north. I don't recommend taking a walk of over a mile wearing a skirt in that kind of heat and humidity - my thighs chafed, causing a rash. We had a nice walking tour of a historic district in St. Pete, though. That was on Sun. afternoon - day after the memorial and before the funeral - we did things backwards, because the military cemetery didn't do services on the weekend for some reason.
I have uploaded a few photos to LJ, but they won't be added to the web site for a while. I'm looking forward to CDs from my family members who had better cameras and got better photos.
This gallery is for my LJ friends only, but if others want to view them, let me know by emailing me. Note that you can click on a photo in the gallery to see a larger one and then click next to go through the 16 photos there. The title on top is somewhat descriptive, but for a more detailed description, it should appear underneath the photo (it appears as pretty small type to me, though). Feel free to ask questions about them here if you'd like.
I also visited the UU congregations of St. Petersburg & Clearwater. We went to the Clearwater service on Sun. morning, participated in a discussion after coffee, and went out to lunch with a few of them. Then that evening we went to a party with members of the St. Pete congregation - they said it was the first all-congregation party they've had in 6 mos., but it was at the home of two of their members - in an apartment with 40 or more people showing up for potluck and conversation.
Overall, very enjoyable time. Also, I brought home letters that my father wrote home to his family when he was in the service. Now to scan, translate, and put on the web. Well... not now, sometime in the future when I find time.