Mar 22, 2011 23:48
I’m starting to wonder whether going back to university was the right thing for me to do. My grades are ok (recently got back a few essays and received 66%, 68%, 72% and 73%, high 2;1s and 1sts so not bad), but I am bored of essay writing for the sake of it and don’t feel as though I am learning much from the experience. Although I enjoy writing, nobody reads my essays for pleasure or interest and most of them express what I know the lecturer would want to read as opposed to uncovering anything groundbreaking or expressing my own opinions. The work load is huge, but not challenging. 12 essays and 4 compositions this year. The only subject that is helping me to develop skills is composition and so I have decided to specialise in that next year. Of our 5 elective modules, 4 of mine will be taken up by composition, the other with a examined module on popular music (as I am so bored of essay writing) and then the rest of the year is taken up by the compulsory major project, which is a triple module. This is possible risky, as I know I can get good grades in essay subjects if I put in enough effort, but I somehow feel that learning new skills is more important than grades.
I’m finding it hard to wait so long before Steven and I can begin our lives together properly. It feels as though we’re in limbo. I worry that my music degree won’t improve my career prospects at all and that I’ll end up pretty much in the same kind of job as I was in before, having wasted time and money.