Feb 17, 2010 23:46
Generally things are going a lot better for me at the moment. I've got my first lot of university coursework and exam results back now and was lucky enough to get all A's, A-'s and A +'s, so all firsts. Shame we only have to pass this year! I do feel like I'm cheating a bit by having been to university before.
I was feeling a bit of guilt for being at university (again), whilst most of my friends are working and earning money, so I decided to apply for a part time job to make me feel as if I'm doing something worthwhile. Having applied for one job and just getting an automated email response about a high number of candidates, I decided to call a play-scheme and after school club for children with learning disabilities that I used to work for about two and a half years ago. Luckily the lady running it remembered me and said they'd be happy for me to come back, as they're really busy at the moment. So, I'll be working there for 2 afternoons a week and probably over the school holidays. It won't earn me all that much, but at least it'll give me a bit of a purpose; plus, I miss working with the kids! I'm also still teaching some sax.
My social life is also on the up. When I came up to Manchester for new year's eve, I met a lovely jewish guy called Steven. We've since spent many hours/days in each others company and many more on the phone. In fact, when we're not seeing each other in person, we spend on average 2 hours on the phone to each other nearly every night! Goodness knows what we manage to talk about; I haven't been able to chat like that with anyone for a long while. He's intelligent, silly, geeky, huggable and really knows how to make me laugh, he is rather shy though (just not with me, so it took introducing him to my friends for me to realise). I'm quite liking that he lives in Manchester too, as it gives me an excuse to go up North more and means that we get to spend whole weekends together. If any of you Manchester people fancy meeting up now I'm regularly up north, let me know. I just hope it continues as wonderfully as it has been doing. Aside from the love life, I'm also very aware of how rich I am in fantastic friendships.
In other news, I'm in the process of training to be a trampolining coach. I was observed coaching some little ones today and was told that overall I was doing really well, created a good rapport, explained & demonstrated quite well but praised them a bit too much! I actually really enjoyed that.
The only thing I'm not enjoying at the moment is trying to organise things for young adults at my synagogue. I have to phone round about 100 people and they're so non-committal, it's next to impossible to get anything done.