Apologies for only using this space to have the occasional moan.

Dec 23, 2009 01:13

I'm so incredibly bored of my life. It just seems so predictable and the only surprises are shocks of a negative nature. I'm almost constantly petrified and can't see myself as having a bright future in any respect. My social life is negligible, unsatisfying and people are a constant disappointment, especially when I try to organise things. Everyone seems to be moving on with their lives and mine seems depressingly stagnant; it's almost as if I've regressed. I need some excitement and the ability to find a point to my seemingly futile existence. I do so much, yet enjoy/progress so little.

I don't much care if this sounds ungrateful and self-indulgent, this is my space and I need to express here it in order to suppress it in real life.
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