Mar 10, 2010 15:23
Life lately has been very much like it should be, I think. I'm happy, things are well. Bad things happen, good things happen. I take them as they come, and am not struggling too much to do so.
School is okay - I'm not doing as well this semester as last, which is okay in that I'm still passing everything, not great in that I'm not sure I'll still qualify for OCMC, this relatively prestigious marketing competition I was hoping to apply for.
Work is much the same as always - don't love it, but I don't hate it as much as I once did. I accidentally woke up 15 minutes into my shift today (what do they expect when they schedule me until 11:45pm Tuesday nights then at 9am Wednesday mornings, and I live an hour away!?), and just called in sick so that I wasn't that asshole who shows up two hours late for a shift. It's nice - they weather is good and spring appears to be well and truly here, so I'm choosing to view it as a not quite affordable surprise vacation day.
My aunt and uncle are getting a divorce. I'm surprisingly more upset about it than I was when my own parents split up. It's funny, because I see how it makes sense - though they've always been that great couple who manages to overlook each other's quirks, they are different enough people that they will probably be better off for it. I hope my aunt sticks around in my life though - my parents come from small families, so I only have the one; even though she's not related to me by blood, she has been my aunt for 21 years now, and we share a birthday and a lifetime of memories. I emailed her today to let her know I was thinking of her, and here's the response I got:
"Hi sweetheart,
Thanks so much for getting in touch! I had asked your mom for your email as I don't go on Facebook these days, I'm glad to hear from you-
Well it's been tough and continues to be tough (as you must remember...), but the girls have been very supportive of both of us so far and I hope that keeps-
You and Aloisia are my only nieces and I take very seriously the fact that I am your only Tante and as such intend to be available and around for you two, forever and alldays (as Suzanne used to say :-)), if you are interested- I love you very much and I am happy that Erica in particular can talk to you and have you as a support- I think she and Alex are planning on driving out to see you next week with Alice (hopefully she does not lose a muffler along the way), that should be fun (Alex is wonderful, you'll like him)
Take care sweetie, hopefully see you soon,
Tante Manon XX "
I suppose it would seem she and I are on the same page with the love and keeping in touch, I just worry that will change as her life changes and she and Ken no longer live together, and she finds a new family. Que sera, I suppose. Face it as it comes (with courage!).
In terms of romantic life, I don't really know what's going on. I've been going on dates with Liz lately, which has been great - the transfer from friends to dating seems to be pretty smooth. She's not the commitment or relationship type, generally, and much as (eventually) I would like a serious relationship, I'm pretty okay with taking it as it comes. For now, it's fun. Hopefully one day she'll be my girlfriend, but if it doesn't work out that way... well, you can't change people. And I know who she is, and like her for and despite it. We'll see.
I'm feeling pretty zen today - sometimes I get really down, sometimes really upbeat. Today, I'm in a good place - not overly happy or cheerful, but confident that whatever comes I will be okay and I will get by. I always am and I always do.