Feb 02, 2009 01:48
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Name: TJ/Zel/Karol
Age: 21
Personal Journal: zelos22
Instant Messenger (AIM/Y!M/MSN): kouryuureppa ((warning: I am not very social and probably won't want to talk unless there is actual reason to, so don't waste my time))
Character Info
Name: Sync
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Age: 14
Disease/Abilities/Condition: Sync has special abilities that involve a mysterious earth force called fonons originating from a secretive religious organization. He is quick on his feet and has quite flashy and powerful attacks that are quite fast as well. His move set involves special glyphs and seals that help him formulate his attack.
Staff Position: Giovanni saw that Sync's excellent stealth skills would prove more than useful to him so Sync works under Giovanni as a spy ((to keep watch on the patients)), an information collector and an assassin ((for when patients are no longer needed and/or when they need to be disposed of)).
Description: Sync is very lean with unkempt green hair and rather bold green eyes that are full of energy and a mixture of ( ... )
bloodysnowabumi old RP log of mine: http://community.livejournal.com/konohagakuen/26281.html#cutid1
Journal Sample: I had another strange dream last night where there were others who looked just like me and Ion. We were sitting around in a room with ragged old clothing, looking fearful. The lighting was like that of fire and I could hear a rumbling sound from beyond and the ground shook from time to time. There were also men there dressed in familiar clothing... but I don't know what was so familiar about them! The next thing I know, we are being lead down a hall and the noises keep getting louder and louder. The next thing I notice is that all the look-alikes before me stop at the edge of a cliff and then shoved over the edge. I heard their screaming and the fear well up inside me. I know what's going to happen... I can already tell ( ... )
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